Part 33

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Today I had to go see the CEO and submit my album and all. It was honestly a useless process because he said yes every time without even listening to the album. I got there, got my usual coffee, greeted everyone and went to his office, I went in without knocking and sat in front of him:


- Hello

- Y/n?

- No Jesus. Of course it's me, who else would it be? My evil twin?

- You haven't lost the attitude

- not when it comes to you

- Anyway, what can I help you with?

- I produced a brand new album, 16 songs, you know the usual, I tell you about it, you say yes without even listening to it, we start marketing and BAM, huge success

- Well no

- What do you mean no?

- I mean, you disappeared for months, without even a phone call, did not contact me and did not once post something on social media, you went ghost mode for months

- And? Not something I haven't done before

- Yes but too many times, now the question is: will people listen to the album now, after not hearing from you? Are you even relevant anymore? Because, if people don't listen to the album, after all the money I spent to market and finance it, I'm just wasting money

- Of course I'm relevant, I'm Y/n L/n, one of the most successful artists of my generation, I made history as the youngest artist in the top 5 of the most award winning artists along with Kanye West, Beyonce and Stevie Wonders. One of the richest artists, the one who brings millions to this company every time I release anything at all, my work bought you that nice Porsche and my work is what will put your 4 kids through college without any debts. Don't say that you're wasting money on me because the small fee that you pay is nothing compared to the money you make on my back. 

- You're right, I'm sorry

- Of course you are, I'll go see the marketing team, and one thing, the next time you doubt me, I'll remind you that you literally cannot live without me

- Yes ma'am


I left his office and went to the marketing wing of the building, sat down with them and we worked until their shift was over. They went home and I went to the dorms, I had dinner, dessert and played video games with them until it got really late, I told them to go to sleep and went home. I parked in front of my house, something felt very wrong, I stayed in the car for some time until it felt right. I went inside and got myself some chamomile tea. I was calmly sipping it while scrolling through social media until I got a notification, an email.

It was late but I still decided to take a look at it. I rapidly read through it, some group want to do a collaborative album, they already had the album prepared and they wanted me on a bunch of songs. I put my book aside, got some more tea and took the time to listen to them. 

It was honestly amazing, I loved every song I listened to and I decided to look up their band to listen to more of their songs, they're insanely talented, especially the lead singer, his voice is amazing. After listening to as many songs as I could find, I rushed to email them back and accept their offer. 

They replied with their number and scheduled a meeting in like 3 weeks, I'm happy to be collaborating with them, plus they seem like good people -only based on their songs-. I finally went to sleep in my room.

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