A second point of view

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All human actions have one or more of these seven causes:  chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion and desire.


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I watched from afar as the flames ate up the city. The guards trying to restrain the citizens to go out. They lasted surprisingly long. I'm not sure how anyone thought this would be a good idea, a few dozen guards against hundred of panicked craftsman.

I squinted my eyes. 'Tch, maybe not a hundred', I thought as screams of terror echoed over the land, due to the houses breaking and falling on the fleeing.

I turn away and start to put on my weapons. Or at least I wanted to, instead my foot tangled up in my cloak and I face planted against a nearby tree. I groaned, I pressed my hand against the trunk and stood up. I, again, tried to put on my armour, this time checking if I stand on the cloak.

After I managed to not have another crash landing I made my way down the hill I was on. To my right was a big river wriggling it's way through the land, to my left a forest, high mountains painting the sky behind it. 

By now the walls around the city were partly torn down and the survivors made their way to the forest. If I go to them I could possibly make more recruits for my plan. If I stay away I can go alone, but the government won't find me as easy. A scream pulled me out of my thoughts. What was that? Corn? No, something else. With a? I looked closer to see what happened.

A big piece of the wall was now completely ruined and I could make out a figure trying to pull something out of from under the pile. It was another figure, badly injured and medics quickly rushed to help. 

I made up my mind. They could be useful and if not I will just leave, maybe they have food. My stomach grumbled at the thought. I brushed hair out of my face and fastened my pace, if I walk faster I can be there in a few hours.

♪───O Timeskip O────♪

In contrary to my previous idea, I first stayed behind and watched the survivors from afar. Most of them were not useful to me, so my new plan was to watch out for any, well, special people who may be of help for my purpose.

Till now i only had three people in mind. The first was an old man, he kept his cool during the evacuation and helped the others. But he died, lung infection, I know, super sad, but not relevant anymore. At least not for me. Then there are two others, maybe a bit younger than me, but as far as I can see they're pretty helpful. The first must be about 16-17, he was the one who almost got crushed under a rock. He didn't woke up till a few days ago, so at first I thought he's a lost cause, but from what I heard he's pretty clever. Then there's the other. He's the one who saved the other, I think that persons name was Karl or something like that. At first he seemed super weak and mentally really unstable, but then he got better, he was probably in a state of panic. He's probably still not stable, but as far as I could see he's good with strategic things. He actually was the one who lead the survivors to the forest and helped build the camp.

When this Karl woke up I was able to overhear their conversation.

I hid behind the medic tent, apparently this Karl woke up, so of course I had to see if he's still useful for me.

,,Cal, I'm sure it was just a dream. Come one why can't we just be happy that you're still alive? I could have just left you there, maybe that would have been better. Then I wouldn't have to listen to you losing your mind. Are you sure you didn't hit your head?"

I think that was the one with dark hair. The other one must be blond hair, and what kind of nickname for Karl is Cal? Isn't Karl already short enough?

,,Ha ha, very funny G-Man. But it's true! She said that we were not supposed to break out, we have to go or we'll die!"

,,So u wanna tell me that you just, spawned into a castle, overheard a super important meeting about how a- . A what, execution of our city? And then were  seen and just like that, you woke up?"


,,Callan, you could be right. I mean, it would make sense. But we can't just tell that everyone, it will just create chaos."

So they know. That's new. Normally the cities just think someone angered the higher ups and leave it like it, if they even survive. So how can these two, normalos, just know about that? They aren't even part of the 'golden blood', they're just mere humans. Not even my kind knew about it. Confused I made my way back to my little campsite.

♪───O Flashback endO────♪

That was the last thing I heard from then, this conversation was two days ago, since then I thought about everything. It still confuses me. In this world are three classes. 

The higher ups, they are shapeshifters. They have two forms, for one their human form, mostly golden eyes and an athletic structure. And then their other form, the animal form. Most of their second form are naturally at the top of the food chain. Like lions, crocodiles, eagles or orcas.

Then there's people like me. We have one form we're both, the human and animal part are united. The animal part is mostly a pray, like me a ram or a sheep. Once I even saw a stag beetle. 

And then there's the poor, poor mere humans. They are only there to be slaves for the higher ups and to bring entertainment into their lives as court jester or else.

A long time ago we all lived happily together, but then the higher ups started to build these cities trap humans and my kind in them. They killed everyone who got in their way and now, in this time, only a few of us still know this story. I'm the cities everyone believed the walls were there for our own safety. A big fat lie, burned in our mind since we are young.

I was startled by a loud voice behind me.

,,Who the heck are you and what are you doing here?!"

Well shit.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


I finally decided to write again. :)

And I have the feeling there's another character coming... 

Till next time.

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