Confusing conversations

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I began to slowly stand up, only to be stopped a stick poking my chest.

,,Move and I'll stick it through your heart!", the person said bravely, but their voice was shaking. I arched a brow:,, You gonna put this stick through my heart? Really? It's not even sharp, honestly that sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?", I grinned. He doesn't think it's that funny, assumed by the looks he gave me. We both were interrupted by sound of sticks snapping, not far away and if on clue a second person came into view.

,,What's going on here Chris?" This Chris stopped shooting death glares at me and poked the stick onto my chest. Again. ,, Found this thing  outside the camp lurking around."

The new person nodded and now, as he looked at me, I could see who he is.

,,Yoo, I know you! You're the friend of the blond dude! Griffin, right? I wanted to talk to you for awhile now but-„ 

,,What Are you doing here and how in the name of the holy taco do you know my name?" Oh no, he seems a little pissed. I smiled:,, I am here to talk to you and the other one, Karl. I saw you're  city getting burned down by the higher ups and, well, no one actually had ever survived that. Except for yours. I want to know why. Oh. And I want you to join my revolution to break into the capitol and take our freedom back." He just stared, maybe that was a little bit too much. As he started to speak, i expected he was going to tell me how great I am and that they will certainly join and help me. 

,,Who is Karl?" But that, that I definitely didn't expect. 

,, You're friend. The blond dude?"

He looked confused between me and Chris. Chris just shrugged.

,,Got crushed by falling stones?"


,,Bless you."

,,No, his name is Callan."

,,Oh yeah, right. Sorry, my mistake."

,,So...  you wanted to talk to me and Cal. So we join you're, umm, revolution? Against whoever attacked us?" ,,Yes, u just have to make a decision. Go with me, get revenge and peace for our land. Or you could stay here, wait till you're old and die alone, scared in the forest slowly seeing your friends and family rot away. It's your decision, really, but you don't have much time."

He was silent a few minutes, then he said to Chris:,, Go to the camp, get two backpacks with stuff that we could need to survive, food, water and medical things. But be careful to only pack things that aren't needed here. After that get Callan and tell him to meet me here." Chris looked at me uneasy. ,,Are you sure that is a good idea?" ,,No, but it's the only chance we have to get a better life for everyone." Chris nodded and made his way back to camp, right before the bushes he turned around again, gave Griffin the stick and said:,, Here. If you, well, if you need it." He nodded to himself and left towards the camp.

,,My names Micheal. By the way. Not sure if you even wanted to know that, but.. uh.. well, I Gauss you do now? Anyway we probably should go right when this Karl-Callan whoever comes. It's a long way, we have many things to plan and I need to stop by someone to get some things and-"

,,Gosh, do you ever stop talking?", he raised an eyebrow at me.

,,Yeah, I just don't like to. And I won't stop just because some cocky dude named after a flicking myth thinks he's better than me. And just so you know, you are not even in the slightest better than me, mister 'oh, my village got burned down and my whole family got killed and now I need to lead a whole village, or what's left of it''. Because you know what?! Everyone here feels shitty, almost everyone in this whole fudging WORLD LOST EVERYTHING. YOU. ARE. NOT. SPECIAL.'' He seemed surprised. Probably never got put in his place before. And yeah, maybe I was little harsh. But this people just get on my nerves. I sighed, ,,sorry, I didn't mean-"

,,No it's ok..."

I think he wanted to say something else, but stopped when someone cleared their throat before he could.

,,Karl! Hello, always wanted to meet you!", I grinned.

,,His name is still Callan.'' Griffin did not look amused. Cheeky a****le. 

''Anyway, what I wanted to say! Hello, C a l l a n, I-", just when I wanted to say something again, I got interrupted. Again.

,,So, who the hell are you and what is going on Griff?! Chris just, gave me these backpacks and told me to meet you here to go save us all with a.. umm, I think he said prisoner? So what the heck did you do this time?!'' 

,, Nothing! But this dude-" ,,Micheal." ,,-this dude insisted on having to have a talk with us and well.. I do think that his idea might be able to help us.." Griffin proceeded to stare at the ground as he said that, which I understood by the glare Callan send him.

,,So, let me get that straight. Chris found some random guy-" ,,Micheal." ,,-luring around camp. He told you some random, probably just made up plan, and you just say 'yes, that sounds good. LeT's Go SaVe ThE wOrLd?!" It does not work like that! You have to be more careful! What if something happened when Chris went to get me?! We weren't safe inside the walls, what makes you think that we are now?!" He genuinely looked concerned, which surprised me. I mean, he was the one who got struck by a falling wall- right? I arched a brow: ,, Are you like, together?"

At first I wasn't sure if I should have said that. But I really don't regret it, their faces are priceless, just the silence was a little uncomfortable.


I smirked:,, Well, first. You two fight like an old married couple. Second. I don't actually have a second reason", I shrugged, ,,just the vibe."

Griffin shook his head. ,,No we are not together. And stop smirking like that, it's annoying."

He seemed to have recovered rather quickly, Callan on the other hand still looked like a student that just accidentally called his teacher mom.

,,Sureee, whatever you say!"

,,Can we just stop that? We have better things to do!" Ah, so Callan finally got back to his senses, ,,What about that plan of yours? Tell us about it. THEN we decide if we come with you. And tell us everything. About what attacked, what even this place actually is and what you know about it."

,,Sure! That, I will gladly do! So, first-"

,,I haven't finished. Tell us why you are out here and why you asked us to help you. I am in no condition to fight, and Griffin can't even kill a flightless bird when it's right in front of them!" That drew a little outraged hey from Griffin. Callan just ignored him.

,,Tell us why you know these things and why we shouldn't just kill you."

A/N: So we finally have a name for the new Character!  Micheal, lovely innit? Anyway, maybe you have seen that at some point, you thought that this character had some, how should I say, problematic moments, if not I will have to try this chapter again. 

This character, or even all my characters, are supposed to be like that. But in different ways, first for the character development, but also because they are supposed to act like real people and real people have flaws. Well, Micheal will be a real problematic character, you'll see later. At the end all my characters will have changed a slight bit, but they won't be perfect 'my little pony' like characters. They have their flaws and won't get perfect at the end, so if u don't like that. Well, I won't change that. So u do u. As you can see later on in this book, the world they live in is as problematic as Micheal, so there will be a reason for all my oc's to act they way they do. This does in no way (!!!)  excuse their wrong doings and actions. Their will be diff oc's that act diff with trauma or things going on. So there will be also characters the complete opposite of Micheal and others. You'll se later.

Yeah anyway, hope you have a good day/night!

-C =]

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