Chapter 3: Meet the glamrocks!

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Author POV: Well, I opened up my wattpad to see that the story went from 12 views to 22, so that went quick😂

The security doors opened up and made a loud creaking sound, like when metal goes rusty. I looked around but couldn't see anyone....

"Chica? Monty?"

I walked through to the the stage, but couldn't find anyone.


Nope, no one was there...

"Where is everyone?"

I carried on searching for everyone, but no sign of anything.

"Ha ha ha ha ha haaa...."

What was that? My eyes scanned the room, but nothing was there. Suddenly, I felt something leap on my back and dig its claws into me.


I grabbed its arms and threw it onto the floor, only to see a familiar face. It was Moondrop.

"Moon! Its daytime now, you know the rules!"

"Aw! But come o-on F-f-freddy! I never get to have f-fun!"

" You're glitching Moon....what's happened?"

He went silent and didn't say anything.

"I d-don't know, I woke up like this!"

"Well, come on, its Sunrise's turn now"

"Grr, you take the fun out of-f everything"

"Okay Moon, goodnight."

There was a short delay before sunrise appeared.


"Woah woah woah! Take it easy sunrise! What happened?!"

"Eugh! Eugh! T-t-there w-was a r-rabbit! Eugh! And a kn-knife! And a l-little boy!"

Oh no...

"Sunrise! Were they with anyone?!"

"I-i-i d-don't kn-know!!"

Oh god...

So that's what's wrong with everyone, a new glitch in the system maybe? I'm not sure...Either way, later on that day, I caught a strange woman in a rabbit suit creeping around everywhere....I wonder why...

"Hello tHere!!!"

The rabbit-woman suddenly appeared in front of my face.

"Do you mind?"

She started pulling something out of her pocket with two metal sticks on the end, connected to a long wire.

"Hey, what ya got th-"

I was suddenly cut off when she activated her device....She swiflty aimed it at me and the last thing I remember is twitching for a minute....then....darkness....

Time skip to 08:07 pm

"Uggghhhh....where am I?"

I had sharp sparks flying off me, then I looked up and saw Chica.


She quickly turned her head to bare the most scariest thing I have ever seen....well....the second most scariest thing.....


"Okay everyone! Is everybody ready for some piz-"


I was interrupted by the chilling sounds of screams coming from the other room...I ran to the central point of where the screams were coming from and laid my eyes upon Golden Freddy biting down on the security guard's head.

"Gold! What are you doing?!"

Ext. Flashback

She turned to face me and her beak had been ripped off along with her eyes going googly.

"Chica?! What happened to you?!"

As she came further out into the light, that's when I saw the real damage that had been inflicted on her.

"Who did this to you?"

She pointed at a young boy with brown hair and hazel coloured eyes. I only had to take one glance to know that they were innocent... and to know they needed help.... immediately.

I hope you all enjoyed chapter 3, if the story gets 40 views or higher, I'll make chapter 4.😃 Make sure to leave a comment down below⬇️

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