Waking Up In Unknown Places

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Chapter 1

I woke up on the ground surrounded by other kids around my age in the same dark clothes. It was dark and seemed to be night time, in front of all of us was a big satellite next to a computer that was projected towards the sky. In the middle of all of us on the ground were 3 teenagers in skin tight suits staggering around. They all looked around them staring at us with big grins, they jumped and hugged each other tightly shouting "We did it," over and over again.

They shortest boy turned in circles and stopped when he spotted me staring at him. He held my gaze for a minute before he turned towards his people said something and then they all left. When they were gone I finally stood wiping the extra dirt off of my face.

I don't know where I came from, or how I ended up here. My name is S-2, I am what my father called bionic, and my many brothers and sisters were now waking up from the short knocked out state that we were all in just a few minutes ago.

S-3 ran up to me, "We have to get everyone out of here." A blue and red light began flashing, "Like now!"

I nodded my head fiercely, "Everybody go!"

A tingly sensation ran up my body as I activated my geo-leaping ability.


A familiarly tall, handsome guy had walked up to me and S-3 in the park. When he first saw us a look of excitement had crossed his face. He ran up to us and pointed a straight finger at me.

"Hey!" He shouted, "You're the girl that tried to kill me."

I frowned. Had I really done that? I don't remember doing that. I shared a same look with S-3.

"And you're the guy that tried to kill Chase. Awesome, Awesome! Do you wanna I don't know, come over to my place? I'm Adam by the way."

I looked at S-3 again, and nodded my head. We had all been in the same clothes for roughly 3 days and it was starting to feel a little nasty. S-3 turned Adam and smiled "We'd love to."

Adam smiled and skipped forward, leaving me and my brother to sag behind. Keeping his voice low so Adam couldn't hear. "What about our other brothers and sisters? We can't just leave them behind."

I smirked and looked back towards the bushes that my brothers and sisters were hiding behind, the bushes that were getting smaller and smaller by the minute. "I know, when we get there send out a signal to everyone and tell them to meet us at our new home."


By the time we reached the house the other 28 in our group were right on our tail. Adam opened the door and invited us in. "Wait here." He said.

By the time he returned he was accompanied by 3 more people. A dark brown haired girl, and dark skinned boy, and the same guy that stared at me the night I woke up.

"Adam!" The one in the plaid shirt shouted. "You invited thirty bionic soldiers into our home!"

"No, I invited two, the other twenty-eight jumped out from the bushes and followed us home." I liked Adam. I mean sure he was a little slow but he was a real sweetheart, well at least for the whole two hours that I've known him. From where I was standing with S-9 I could see the weary looks that the people Adam had brought in were giving us. Where those the people we hurt? I hope not they seem nice.

I got pulled from my thoughts when Adam grabbed S-9 by the arm and pulled her into a line with more of our siblings.

"Chase, Bree, I don't think you guys have been formally introduced to our friends," he began. I stood off to the side and smiled when S-3 came and watched with me. "this is S-5, S-6, S-7, S-8, and..." He took a big intake of breath and scrunched his face up very tightly when he got to S-9. He must have forgotten her name. "I'm sorry I forgot your name!"

I smiled lightly. "Hi! I'm S-3," he said as the both of us walked closer to the group. He shoved his hand into the air and held it their waiting for the boy-I think his name was Chase-to shake his hand.

Instead Chase jumped in the air. "Ah! I know who you are. You tried to kill me!" He shouted jutting his finger out in my brother's direction.

"And you almost killed me!" The girl with the brown hair said. That must be the Bree girl that Adam talked about.

S-3 looked taken aback, "why would I do that?" He grinned, "I don't even know you friend!" He moved to pat Chase on the back.

Chase had other ideas though. He pulled his shoulder in the other direction directly evading S-3's hand.

"I am not you friend! You used your electro-fork-thingy on me! Friends don't electro-fork-thingy friends!"

The phrase angered me. So what we tried to kill you! None of us even remember what happened. Surely he knows that.

"I-I don't remember that, but if I hurt you I'm sorry."

"Woah, dude!" Adam chimed in, "Never apologize for hurting Chase." I smiled, that's an awesome rule. If he was going to be a jerk to my family than I was going to be a jerk to him.

"Wait so do you remember anything." Bree said slowly.

I rolled my eyes, "Obviously, not. Your smart right? If we tried to kill you before and are standing in your house now wouldn't we still be trying to kill you?" Bree glared at me, and S-3 gave me a look. I just couldn't stand these people any more.

"Look," I sighed, "I remember that my name is S-2. These are my brothers and sisters. And we followed this awesome guy here." I grinned giving Adam a side hug.

I turned and evaluated my new surroundings. This was the first chance I had to actually take a look at the house, and may I say this place is amazing. These people must be loaded.

"S-30 take a hike S's 2 through 29 welcome home." I grinned a new home!

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