she kisses your neck to get your attention

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Nicole ran her fingers through her long hair as she closed the front door behind her.

It's been a busy day and she's got a lot on her mind.

But she knows that's all about to change and she's about to feel so much better because she's home with you now.

Because she didn't see you anywhere downstairs, she knew you had to be up in your shared bedroom. 

So she quickly took her shoes off by the door and made sure the front door was locked for the night before she walked upstairs.

Her eyes lit up when she saw you sitting up in bed. She remembered then that the newest season of your favorite show dropped today and she couldn't help but smile to herself just thinking that you must've had a wonderful day being able to just binge-watch the show on your day off.

She walked to the bed and crawled beneath the covers beside you before she kissed your cheek.

"Hi, baby. I'm home." She smiled before brushing her fingers through your hair.

"Hi, babe." You said as you stared ahead the tv, not even looking at her.

Nicole felt a slight wave of sadness flood over her but she brushed it off, knowing you're just enthralled with the show you're watching.

She figured she'd just wait for the episode to finish and you'd probably pause it and then give her a little attention.

However, when the end of the episode rolled around just a few minutes later, you only clicked on the next episode option to continue watching it.

She frowned a little before she put her cheek on your shoulder, hoping you'd give her a little attention if she did so.

But you just chuckled at her and kept your gaze on the tv.

"Baby," she whined. "I missed you today."

"Missed you too." You said and although she could detect the sincerity in your voice, it didn't feel the same when you just kept watching your show and didn't even look at her.

She sighed and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She thought about busying herself with social media for a few minutes or maybe texting and catching up with a few friends.

However, she opted not to do that, feeling too needy for your attention and only your attention.

Instead, she bit her lip as an idea came to her mind, one surefire way she could get and keep your attention.

She brushed your hair back from one side of your neck to the other. She kissed below your ear and then kissed your jaw a few times, just to see how you'd react.

You let out a few giggles and the sound made her heart skip a beat.

"Nicole, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, darling." She said and you just shook your head with a smile, your eyes still on the screen.

She moved her lips to your neck, her warm breath fanning against your skin. It sent a shiver down your spine and the, when she started to kiss your neck a few seconds later, you gasped softly.

It was hard to keep your focus as every single kiss made your heart flutter.

But still, you tried.

But, after a moment, she took things up a notch and began to leave a couple of hickeys on your skin and you immediately became putty in her hands.

You tilted your head back, giving her more of your skin to kiss, and she giggled against your neck. The feeling only drove you wilder, your heart now pounding against your chest.

She pushed at your shoulders, gently laying you on your back. She hovered over you and started to kiss across every inch of your neck and your collarbones, even leaving a few love bites behind.

"What's all of this for?" You asked, feeling as if your head was in the clouds.

"Oh, just wanted my girl's attention."

You sighed blissfully and tangled your fingers in her hair.

"I can always stop if you want to watch your show still. I know you've been pretty into it."

"No, don't stop." You gasped and pulled her closer.

However, Nicole did pull away, but just for a moment. 

Only to grab the remote and pause the show so you wouldn't lose your place before she continued to kiss your neck.

"I have your attention now, huh, baby?" She asked, smirking against your skin.

"Yes." You whispered, biting at your lip as she continued to kiss your neck and make you feel so blissful. "I promise, Nicole. You've got all of my attention. Just keep kissing my neck, please."

She chuckled against your skin, loving the words falling from your lips, as well as the soft sighs.

"Okay, baby. If that's what you want, I promise I won't stop."

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