you wear her hoodie

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Waking up without Nicole's warm arms wrapped around you is something you never like.

When you felt the chill running down your spine, you wrapped yourself tighter in the warm blankets and turned over to snuggle up to your sweet girlfriend.

But you groaned as soon as you realized she wasn't there. You didn't feel her warm skin against your fingers or hear her hum in your ear before she put her arms around you to hug you close. Instead, the sheets were cold and she wasn't beside you.

You opened your eyes and looked around the bedroom for her, only to find it empty.

"Nicole?" You tried to yell, but with how sleepy you felt your voice was too quiet for her to hear you calling her name.

You sat up and stretched your arms out over your head before you looked at the time. It was a little after ten am. Your eyes went wide when you realized you'd slept in late. It wasn't all that surprising though, when it's your day off with your girl and gave you the perfect opportunity to catch up on sleep.

Had Nicole been holding onto you, you'd probably be sound asleep still.

You got out of bed, pushing the blanket off of your body, and as soon as you did the chilly air hit you. You were in one of your coziest pajama shirts. It was comfortable last night, but not anymore.

You rubbed your arms and knew before you could go look for your girlfriend, you had to change into something warmer.

You got up and went to the closet, only to step on something along the way.

Looking down at your feet, you noticed Nicole's hoodie on the floor. She was wearing it last night when you went to bed but she must've shrugged it off for some reason late in the night or earlier this morning.

You picked it up and knew instantly that it was just what you needed to warm up.

You pulled it over your head and breathed out a contented sigh. It was so warm and cozy, instantly making you feel so much better. 

Not to mention, it brought you even more comfort than just bringing you some much-needed warmth. It smelled just like her. 

If you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, you'd be able to breathe her sweet scent right into your lungs. 

It was perfect. It was just what you needed.

After a few seconds, you opened your eyes as you remembered why you'd even gotten out of bed in the first place - to go find Nicole.

You went downstairs, knowing she had to be somewhere down there since she wasn't in bed.

You could hear her singing in the kitchen and you froze for a moment, your grin bright as her sweet voice filled your ears and made your heart swell with love.

You snuck up behind her, your arms suddenly wrapping around her, and she almost jumped out of her skin.

"Y/N!" She gasped before laughing. "You scared me!"

"Sorry." You giggled as she turned around, her lips about to touch yours for a sweet morning kiss.

But she stopped as she looked down to see you were wearing her hoodie.

"You've got my hoodie on."

"I was cold." You said and she put her arms around you, pulling you as close to her as she could.

"You look... hot."

You threw your head back with a laugh and she stole the opportunity to give you a few soft kisses on your neck.

"You look so good in my clothes; better than I do."

"Not true."

"Yes, it is." She argued with the brightest smile on her face. "You're beautiful, my love; so, so beautiful."

You smiled at her before putting your lips onto hers.

"I love you lots."

"I love you more, sweet girl." She whispered as she continued to kiss you and keep you close to her, her hands brushing across your sides as she admired how beautiful you looked in her clothes while she wished that she never had to let you go.

Nicole Scherzinger Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now