Chapter 2: the after school party

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After class spencer introduced me to her friends that I noticed earlier in class. Spencer introduced me to her friends.
Spencer: " this is Ally"
Spencer " Ally this is Hanna"
I think to myself Hanna is the blonde one
Spencer: " this is Emily"
Say to my self Emily is the brown haired girl
Spencer: "last but not least Ally this is Aria"
I say to myself Aria has the black hair
Me: " nice to meet you everyone"
They all say together "nice to meet you too".
Spencer: "do you want to hang out after school today"
I think to myself. One part of me Thai ms that maybe I shouldn't I don't really know them that well but another part of me says on the other had that are really nice to me so I said yes.
Spencer: "alright how about the school dance tonight"
Me: "okay I guess so"
Later that day Hannah, spencer, Aria, and I meet up at the mall to find new outfits for the dance. Aria choose a black dress that has sparkles, Spencer chose a strapless silver dress, Hannah chose a blue dress with ruffles, Emily chose a pink dress with a flamingo broch, and I had chosen a bright strapless dress that was down to my anckels.

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⏰ آخر تحديث: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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