The Ring

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Quick note before we start this chapter—I haven't seen any of the newer episodes of the show (anything released after Simpleman,) and thus don't know if more information on Felix's character has been revealed. And even if they did, I seriously doubt there's a lot they added to his backstory. In short, a lot of what I say in this chapter is my own imagination, not canon. I always try my hardest to make my fan stories as accurate to the source material as possible, but with a character like Felix, it's pretty much impossible because he's only in one episode (that I've seen.)

So, please do not leave comments saying how this isn't accurate, or spoiling anything that might've happened in the more recent episodes. Thank you and enjoy the chapter :)


Marinette brushed the crumbs off the corner of the table in her living room, her insides jittery. "Mom, Dad, everything is ready, right?"

"Yes, sweetie, everything is ready." Her mother smiled as she sidled up next to her and gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek. "You can relax, dear."

Marinette's dad put his hands on his hips as he came around the counter top, observing the spread of food covering the table. "This looks just perfect. Do you think your boyfriend will like it?"

Marinette froze, her cheeks heating, no doubt turning her face a bright red. She opened her mouth to object to the statement but couldn't get anything out.

"Now, Tom, you know this boy is just a friend. Marinette has a crush on his cousin." Sabine tsked and lightly slapped her husband's arm in admonishment.

Marinette wasn't sure how her dad would've responded, and she would never get to know as the bell downstairs clanked, signaling someone's entrance into the bakery. "I'll get it," she said, racing down the stairs so her parents wouldn't think to accompany her.

She slowed to a stop at the bottom of the steps, panting slightly from her mad dash down the stairs. Felix turned around from locking the front door, grinning at her sudden appearance. He was wearing jeans and a plain white shirt, and his hair wasn't styled. He looked exactly like Adrien, except she could tell he wasn't. It was something about the way he carried himself, it was completely different from Adrien.

"Hi," she greeted him, bowing slightly, although she wasn't entirely sure why she did so. "Welcome."

"Thank you for having me, and showing me where the extra key is." He chuckled as he glanced around the bakery, his hands clenching at the belt loops of his jeans.

"Did you borrow Adrien's clothes?"

He laughed and looked down at himself. "Remarkably, no. My mother took me shopping to get some clothes that weren't suits. This is all mine."

"Wow." Marinette smiled and clasped her hands together. "It'll look great with the finished jacket."

Felix jerked his head up to stare at her, eyes wide. "Wait, did you finish it?"

Marinette smiled, very proud of herself for surprising him so much. "I did, last night." It had been around three in the morning when she had finished the garment. She couldn't explain why, but after the akuma attack she hadn't been able to stop thinking about it, and she had decided to spend all her spare time working on it so she could give it to him as soon as possible.

"That's awesome. I want to see it." He ran a hand through his hair, shifting his feet a little.

"You didn't style your hair," she noted, suddenly realizing how unlike him that was. He always styled his hair. Although she preferred the messy look, somehow gelled hair was just more him than the natural look.

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