Chapter 1

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Tommy didn't think this day would come. "DAD!" He yelled. "WILBUR! TECHNO!" All three of them came storming down the stairs. "WHAT DID YOU SET ON FIRE GREMLIN!?!" Wilbur screamed. "DID YOU FALL OFF A BROOM!?!" Phil yelled. "WHAT LAW DID YOU BREAK?!" Techno shouted over the two.

"No, no, no, and why?" Tommy answered his brothers and father.

"We assumed you did something stupid." Wilbur muttered, "yeah, we do it to save time." Tommy gave Techno a look.

"Look!" Tommy yelled, jumping up and down holding up a letter. It was no ordinary letter, having a wax symbol engraved into it with four animals in each quarter. It was the letter. The letter from Hogwarts, hopefully, his acceptance letter.

One angry stare at Tommy turned into an excited expression. Phil was a professor at the school and was quite happy Tommy got in even though he knew it was bound to happen. He secretly rigged Tommy's schedule so he was in his class, which by all means, was going to be fun.

Wilbur wasn't the most thrilled that this chaotic child is going to be welcomed to his territory. Techno knew he was going to be forced to interact with Tommy's friends and wasn't delighted for that to happen, but he was glad Tommy got in, giving Tommy a small, warm, smile, a smile that could mean anything to anyone.

Techno snatched the letter from Tommy, carefully opening it to build up excitement but it mainly built up annoyance from Tommy. When Tommy reached to grab it, he held it up above his head where Tommy couldn't reach it, and watched Tommy jump fruitlessly to get his letter back.

"DAD, TELL HIM TO STOP ABUSING HIS HEIGHT PRIVILEGES!" Tommy yelled, but Phil didn't react, simply amused by the situation. Phil shrugged with an open expression while Techno read the letter.

"Sorry Toms, you didn't get in," he told him, smirking and ruffling his hair, making Tommy duck away, he narrowed his eyes and jumped up higher to grab the letter. Techno's smirk got bigger as he let Tommy grab the letter and read it.

"But this says I did," Tommy said, meekly fighting back a tear - he had always wanted to go to Hogwarts ever since he went there with his dad at the age of four. Hogwarts never ceased to amaze him, even after all these years.

"Techno..." Phil told him warningly, pulling Tommy into a partial hug. Phil read the letter over Tommy's shoulder.

"He's just pulling your leg," he reassured him, Tommy looked up at his father.

"Really?" He asked hopefully, looking up at Phil, his eyes glimmered as his spirits rose.

"Well of course you got in, why wouldn't you, of course, Techno's just doing it to mess with you, he's your brother, after all, that's like in his job description." Phil explained with a laugh.

It took Tommy a minute to process that information through his head. He ran up to Techno and punched him in the stomach and threaten his kneecaps afterwards, making Techno laugh.

"He's learning the ways," he told Wilbur, grabbing Tommy's arm and pushing it away.

Tommy tripped back and yelled, "YOU PRICK!"

"Language, child," Wilbur told him, leaning back against the kitchen counter and smirking.

"I have a name you know." Tommy hissed, his fists clenching as he stood closer. "I'm not calling you by your name, otherwise I'll get attached, besides, if I'm a prick you'd be a cactus."

"But I heard something," Tommy said. "Heard what?" Wilbur repeated calmly, raising an eyebrow as he shifted positions slightly so he could look down, Wilbur has astonishing acting skills, but Tommy knew that, and it was something Wilbur has to look out for.

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