Chapter 16 - Big Fights

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This is a long time over due!

~Erin's Point Of View~

I can't believe it. The fifth night in a row Tate is drinking. He said he was cutting back and he did… For a month! He can't keep doing this. I don't want him ending up like my father and I sure as hell don't want to end up like my mother. I hate to do what I'm going to do but I have to. Tate is the best boyfriend I've ever had minus his drinking problem which I can't take.

I walked outside to where he was. He was sitting with his one friend on his tailgate with a beer in his hand. I looked at the beer in his hand with such hatred. I don't care if he drinks and randomly gets drunk but every night is too much. I can't handle him drunk every night especially the nights he wants sex.

"Tate can we talk?" I asked nicely. His friend and him just both looked at me. He looked at his friend.
"I ought to get going anyway. My girlfriends probably flipping thinking I'm with some chick. See ya Tate, see ya Erin." He said. I just waved.

"Bye Josh!" Tate said. I could tell his was tipsy already. I sighed. Josh pulled out of the driveway and I crossed my arms and looked at Tate. "What now?" He asked already knowing I was probably going to bring up his drinking again.

"Tate this has to stop. You're drinking like a fish again." I said. He sighed and got off the tailgate and pushed it up. It made a loud bang by how hard he did it.

"Erin. It's fine. I'm fine. Nothings is coming of me drinking. I'm not going to cheat. I'm not going to hurt someone. I'm not going out and doing it with friends. I'm home. It's fine." He said leaning up against the tailgate sipping his beer.

"No Tate. It's damaging your liver. My father's is shit and this is how he started. He may seem nice to you but to my family at the house. He is an asshole. Always demanding. Always breaking shit. Always drunk. When I was 10 we almost lost him because he drove drunk! Thank God that he didn't hit someone. You're going down the same road. You don't need this. You are not the same when you drink all the time. I liked the sober Tate. Not this drunken one." I said. He drank the rest in his can and threw it in the back of his truck.

"I'm not your father Erin. Stop comparing us. I'm your boyfriend. I like to drink. I've only been drinking beers. I am not drunk all the time. I don't do stupid shit. Stop making such a big deal Erin. It's not the worst problem in life."
"To me it is. I'm not going to end up with a fucking prick like my father!" I yelled at him. He stood up straight and looked at me.

"I'm not like your father! I'm Tatum Christopher Bryan. I'm Luke Bryan's son and Nikki Bryan's. Two well known famous people in Tennessee and country music. I am not going to end up like your social security having father at the age of 45. Now quit your shit. It's annoying." He said pissed off at hell at me. I shook my head.

"No Tate. You quit your shit. It's me or the booze. I never cared if you randomly had a beer or two. I didn't care if you got drunk once or twice a month. You should know as well as I do, all the time ruins lives. Whether it's your own or someone else's. I love you to death but I will not love this man you are. The man that gets drunk all the time for fun. Make your choice Tatum." I crossed my arms.

He looked back and forth in my eyes and then walked to the driver seat of his truck. He got in and slammed the door shut. I moved out of the way. He back out quick as hell making so much noise as he peeled out of the drive way leaving me there. With no car. No truck. I felt tears start to form and then fall down my cheeks.

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