Chapter 29 - Entertainer Of The Year

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~Bo's Point Of View~

It's been about 7 month since Bailee has been in the hospital for Mitch's abuse to her. They caught him and hand trial last month. Which of course he is put away for a very long time and that makes Bailee feel extremely safe. She also has a restraining order put out on him for when she does have the baby and the baby is older. She had the baby a week ago. She did in fact have a boy.
She wasn't lying when she told Pa, Bryson and I that she was going to name him after Pa. Bailee has always been a major daddy's girl and it so shows. Pa has a soft part in his heart for her and always will. That's his little girl and soon I should know how that feels because Kendyl is pregnant with our second child and it is a girl.Kendyl is only 5 months and barely showing. We are right now in a Limo with Pa and Mama.
We are going to the CMT Awards. I'm nominated for Best Male Artist and Entertainer of The Year. Pa is announcing this year because they asked him too. It's actually the 30th anniversery for his Tailgates and Tanline's album. We are all happy being in the back laughing and talking. Once we got to the red carpet I went out first with Kendyl.
Flashes were everywhere as I held onto Kendyl walking to where we can take some picture. I took a bunch with her and held onto her belly. Then I got some alone. I am of course going to have more with holding her stomach too because I am proud that I am having another baby with her. She is a wonderful mother and gorgeous as hell. I was stopped by a Country Music radio host for an interview.

"Bo! Can we ask you some things?" The lady asked.
"Sure." I said walking up having Kendyl right behind me.
"How do you feel walking on this carpet tonight and being nominated not only for Best Male Artist but Entertainer of the Year?" She asked.
"I feel the same as I do every time. Slightly nervous but humble to be here. Any one of us on that list deserves any one of those awards. If I win then I guess my fans tried a little harder. Either way we are all winners." I said.
"How does it feel to be able to have your father up on stage this year?"
"It's great. I think he needs to do a few shows to get his mojo back. He can't just sit around being old. He don't even act old. You should see him at home dancing around the kitchen like he use to with mama when I was young." We all laughed.
"Final question. How does it feel to be having another baby?" She asked. I pulled Kendyl up and put my hand around her resting one on her stomach.
"Wonderful. As you get to hear it first, it's a baby girl. So we are proud to have TJ and soon our little angel." I said.
"Thank you for your time Bo. Kendyl." She smiled at both of us.

Kendyl and I smiled and then kept walking.I had to sign some autographs and took a few pictures for people. I looked back to Pa and Ma getting a lot of pictures taken at every where they went. I smiled seeing both of them in their glory. Ma is 63 and still beautiful walking down the isle with Pa. Pa is 69 and still looks young. Him in a suit is really nice to see.
Kendyl and I quickly got to our seats because I know her feet were probably going to start to hurt her. They always hurt her throughout her last pregnancy. She is very happy to be pregnant again though. Pa and Ma were sat close enough to us but Pa was mostly going to be on stage. He was the host and he was proud to be. Once the show started everyone cheered as the announcer anounced Pa. People went wild once they saw him. Then his co host came out which was Carrie Underwood. Wow. I havent' seen her in years. They must do a blast from the past this year.

"Welcome everyone to the CMT Awards! I'm your host Luke Bryan and I'm accompanied by my co host Carrie Underwood." Pa said. Everyone clapped. Ma was smiling up at him. She was excited to be here again and see Pa. That is all she would talk about since he has been asked.
"It is great to be back on stage. With my three kids finally being all adults and still at home I kind of wish I could come back up on this stage. How about you?"
"Well Carrie. I have truly missed being up on stage shaking my behind for everyone but now that my son is my protégé I can watch him and realize that I'm still up there, just Mini Me." Pa winked towards me. I smiled and mouthed yeah ah huh I'm cooler. He laughed.
"I see that there are a lot of us old head out here." Carrie said looking around.
"Old? Who are you calling old? I still act like a kid. Ask my wife." Pa laughed and looked at Ma pointing at her. "See we still look young too." As the light shined on Ma. She blushed. "Come on Carrie don't give up on being young. Your kids are out of the house. You know what that means." Pa said nudging her.
"More romance again?" She asked hopeful.
"Not unless y'alls got Viagra." Everyone laughed at that. Ma face palmed herself. "I'm talking about quiet. Until the grandbabies. I have 3 now and Bentley is the oldest. He is running around yelling grandpa this grandpa this. Grandpa I got my hand stuck in the couch." Everyone laughed.
"Well my grand daughter got caught in a tree once. So I think I know what you mean." Carrie said and we all laughed.
"Enough of us being old and grandparents. How about we start doing this first award of the night which is best female vocalist." Pa said.

We went through that and then a new band played a song. They went through three more awards and then another performance. Then we were having intermission. Then two more awards and then it was Pa and I performing. We were doing his Country Girl and my Muddy Truck Tan Legs. We were mashing them up and bringing Pa out after me as a surprise of him actually performing. We went through everything and then I was in the back and changed I was going to get out on stage soon and pa was changed next to me in his old attire he would always wear on stage. I smirked at him and then was told to walk out on stage.
Tonight was going to be a great show. Once the music start I did my singing. When we got to the middle where my lead guitarist would have his solo country girl's solo started.You heard Pa yell Come On! I smirked yelliing Luke Bryan Everyone! Then Pa started to sing his part.

"Now dance like a dandy lion in the wind on a hill underneath the pine. yeah move like the river flows." Pa sang and we both danced right next to each other when he got to the country girl shake it for me girl.

We also sang parts together as we danced the same exact way. We walked away from each other singing to the audience making our way back as the guitar was ending. When we got next to each other and the end came we did hip thrusts and then it ended. People were screaming, cheering, and clapping. Pa put his arm around me and we put our opposite arms up.Then it was time for me to get back to my seat. Which I wanted to quickly because next was entertainer of the year.
I made it back in time for Pa and Carrie to start talking about Entertainer of The Year awards. Pa said how many his won but he was happy to just be able to do the job he had.

"Alright so are y'all's ready for who it could be?" Carrie asked. Everyone cheered. Kendyl grabbed onto my hand and held it tight. I looked over to her and smiled.
"The winner is..." Pa said as he waited for Carrie to open it.
"Bo Bryan!" They both yelled at the same time.

A whole bunch of joy and overwhelming feels were pumping through me. Kendyl jumped up with me. I kissed her and went to hug mama. She had tears of joy in her eyes as I hugged her and kissed her cheek. I had people shaking my hand and giving me high fives my whole way up there. I jogged up onto the stage to where Pa was smiling and Carrie had the award in hand. I hugged pa and he whispered it's just the beginning I'm proud of you into my ear. Carrie hugged me and congratulated me as I held the award. I went up to the microphone and looked at everyone. It felt like I had tears trying to escapes my eyes but I tried to hold them back.

"Wow. I hardly have any words for this. I now know what my father was saying so long ago when he won his first Entertainer of The Year." I said and chuckled. "I just want to thank everyone who made this possible for me. My manager. My band mates. My road crew. My studio crew. My friends who believed in me. My father and mother for pushing me forward to my dreams and letting me do this on my own. My wife... I love you babe." I smirked looking in her direction. "My son. my daughter on the way. my brothers and sister. And most of all my fans because without you I wouldn't be up here right now. You guys voted, and you made this possible. Thank you so much. This means a lot to me." I said and everyone cheered.

I got off the stage and walked back. Soon it was the end and everyone got to go to an after party or home. Kendyl was all for the after party. Even my father and mother joined. I was happy that I got the party. It was something I loved and I was able to enjoy it with people I loved. Everything is up from here.


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I am going to make it a good one so it will end this series with closure.

My one question is tell me what YOU want to know from any of the 3 stories. I will answer in the next chapter! :)

Thank yalls for reading!


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