Parenting Styles

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PSED 116
Ruth Del Socorro

1 . Why it is important to provide a safe environment for children
It is important to provide a safe environment for children because the environment that children has can affect thier growth and it makes them unproductive. if the  child environment is full of violence, it will affect the child's emotion and mental growth, that child may grow in fear and lack of trust in other people. So it is important that the child's environment is safe and secure so that the child is free from worries and fear and focus in nurturing his or her talent for his or her bright future.

2. Why is there a need to teach life skills to children? (15 points)
It is important to teach life skills for children because it helps thier children to use that skills in molding thier future, that life skills will be thier tool as they face the reality of life and help them discover thier purpose as they croos they're own path.
so teaching life skills is necessary for children to live in this life that full of challenges and unexpected pain..

3. Describe the following parenting styles and explain how this style affect
children. (15 points)

a. Authoritarian Parenting Style.
This teaching style is not a good way to apply to kids,
because it only means that the child has no right to do what he want for himself but have to obey his parent without knowing why, because the parent will not explain it clearly to thier children why they need to follow that rules and what is the purpose of that rules in thier life.
so usually this teaching style will leads thier child into a rebellion against them and hate thier parent when they grow up.

b. Permissive Parenting Style
This style gives thier child a freedom to do what they want.
My father is usually like this sometimes,
he let us do what we want, sometimes he treat us like his friend and give us freedom to be a kids.
I could say that this is okay, because the child can enjoy his childhood and can feel love from his family but this is not the best parenting style, because letting your child to gain his freedom can lead him into wrong decisions, the parent should still make rules and guide them to do right decisions.

c. Uninvolved Parenting Style: This style is also not good, because the parent does not pay attention to thier child, they just let thier child to do what they want and pass thier responsibility to others. this is usually happen in rich people.  wherein they are busy in works and businesses and they can't pay attention to thier children's need, they did not let themselves to be involve in thier child's life and they are thinking that money is more important than thier family, so as the result, the hearts of thier children is far from them and when they get old, they are tendency that just like what they did to thier children, their children will also do the same by letting other people to take care of them instead thier own sons and daughters.

d. Authoritative Parenting Style
In my own opinion, this is the best parenting style..because the parents set rules for thier children and explain it clearly..
according to my father..
raising a child is like holding a bird..
he said, if you put too much pressures to the birds in your hand it will die..
but if you let your hands to flew it away it will go far from you..
so you must keep it balance, don't put too much pressures by giving them freedom and don't let them fly away by letting them to live in thier own..
but keep it balance..
set rules and explain it clearly and let them to discover thier life in thier own way through your guidance and wisdom that come from the word of God..
bible said..
teach your child in the way they should go so when they grow up, they will not depart from it.


***Thank you sir and God bless***

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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