Entry 010

9 4 0

From: YourFutureWife@gmail.com
To: SpecialSomeone@gmail.com


I'm so happy right now! You made me happy,big time. We both join in a game and I'm glad we were partner,I hope we can be partner in real life not just in a game. I remember the first time we were partner in a game. I can still remember how soft your palm when our hands collide. It's a whispering game,your breath and voice sent shivers down my spine. It feels magical,I felt like we are the only one in this world. You don't know how badly I want to whisper how I feel for you but I grip on my self tightly because I don't wanna ruin that perfect moment.

I really hope we can stay like that forever but it's just a hope that will never happen.

Yours Faitfully,
Someone you'll never like

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