Chapter 8: Bebop and Rocksteady Transformation

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Stockman:Where are you? Where did it spit you out? Sensei Shredder. The escape plan, it worked!
Shredder:But not in the way you planned. I've traveled very far, and now... We have work to do.

Man:Neustedder, come in. Neustedder? Neustedder, do you copy?
Stockman:When I found this thing, I never could have imagined its significance. But this Commander Krang, he said that this will help open a portal to another dimension?

Shredder:And when we do, we'll join him in dominating this planet. We'll have ultimate power.
Stockman:And indescribable glory. To be responsible for opening the fabric between two worlds! It's...

Shredder:There are other pieces required to open the portal. If those four brothers are still out there, we need to create soldiers that can defeat them with a single blow. And this will help us do that. It needs to be synthesized. Which is where you come in.

Bebop:Ooh. Here come the brains. Yo, Rock, check this out.
Rocksteady:Beebs, I got to get meself one of these.

Bebop:Think of what we could do with this! I feel like I'm back in science class.
Stockman:Now all we need are test subjects.

Shredder:Candidates that will easily fall under my command. Large in size. Low in intellect.
Bebop:That stings! And not in a good way.
Bebop:What's going on? [laughing] What is happening to us?
Rocksteady: I don't know, but this feels great!

Stockman:Oh, this is gonna be good!
Rocksteady:This feels funny. Feels like I have ants in my pants.
Bebop:Big ants!
Casey:All right, Bebop and Rocksteady... I know you're up there somewhere. I knew it!
Stockman:Miraculous. Inside every human there's a dormant gene which ties us to our animal ancestors. It's as if that purple ooze has returned them to their rightful place in the animal kingdom.

Bebop:Rock! You're a rhinoceros.
Rocksteady:And you're a... I don't know what you are.
Bebop:All right, let me look, let me look. I'm a... Huh. I'm a little piggy.
Stockman:You're a warthog.
Rocksteady: Hey, Beebs!
Bebop: Yeah, Rock.

Rocksteady:Ever see a rhino charge?
Bebop:That hurts.

Rocksteady: I like it!
Bebop:Me, too!
Shredder:Me, too. Prepare the entire container. The more of them we create, the easier it will be to secure the portal.

Both:My man!
Rocksteady:This is awesome! Check out the horn!
Bebop:Yeah, baby!

Rocksteady:Hey, man, check out my tail. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
Bebop:That is cool. Do I have one? Hey, Rock, who is that?
Shredder:O'Neil. Get that canister!
[While the Bratz were costume shopping they were walking on the sidewalk until suddenly they saw April being chased by foot soldiers]
Yasmin:Guys I think that girl needs help! Cmon!
[Yasmin and the girls ran after April to save her,Casey watched and opened his car truck to get his gear ready to fight,cut to April and the foot soldiers in an empty alley]
April:Whoa whoa whoa...You guys don't really want to do this again, right? It doesn't usually work out well for you guys. Because I have the four friends. They're green ninjas.
Foot soldier: Give us the ooze.
[April was surrounded until Casey and the girls showed up and began to fight the foot soldiers]
Yasmin:Jade duck!
[Jade ducks as Yasmin karate kicks one of the soldiers in the chest then looks at April]
Yasmin:It's okay we got this!
Foot soldiers: Stop! Freeze!

April:See, that guy with the hockey stick and those girls in the other alley I have nothing to do with that.
[The girls and Casey came out of nowhere and knocked the soldier unconscious]
April:Thank you. What's your name?
Casey:Casey Jones.
April:What's that?
Casey:Casey Jones.
April:Stacy Moans?
Casey:Oh, uh... Casey Jones.
April:And who are you guys?
Yasmin:I'm Yasmin and these are my friends Cloe Sasha Jade and Quinn.
April:I'm April,April O'Neil it's nice to meet you guys.
[Suddenly Raph's sai was thrown near Casey's face then the turtles jumped out of nowhere,this frightened Casey but the Bratz all screamed]
Raph:Get away from her!
Casey: Hey whoa! Get back. [slowly] Do not eat us. We are not food. The people of Earth are not your enemies. Yeah? Yeah.
Mikey:Watch this. We were sent by the Supreme Leader to eat delicious humans and dip them in ranch dressing. I'm just kidding. I'm a vegan. Except for meat and cheese and eggs.
April:Casey,Girls they're my friends.
Casey:Oh. Oh, they... They're your friends.
Cloe:With them?
April:Yeah, they're my friends. Tell them.
Mikey:Yeah. Donatello over there in the purple, he's a technical genius, who is technically a genius! (LAUGHS) Raphael over there in the red, he's like a big cuddly teddy bear, if big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent. This is Leonardo. He's in the blue. Fearless leader. Silent but deadly. And I'm Michelangelo, sporting my signature orange. I'm a triple threat... Brains, brawn, and obviously a dazzling personality. Ladies like to call me Mikey.
Leo:Are you done?
[The Bratz look at each other giggling now they don't feel afraid of the turtles anymore]
Leo:Sorry we're late, April. You want to walk me through what's going on here?
April:Uh, okay, um, so I went to go see Baxter, but then Shredder was there. And then he was talking about opening up some sort of portal to another dimension, and then he... He took this purple ooze and he injected it into those two criminals that escaped with him. And then he turned one of them into a rhinoceros and the other one into a warthog.

Casey:You have eyes on Bebop and Rocksteady?
Sasha:You know Bebop and Rocksteady too?
Leo:Why do you care about those two?
Casey:Let's just say that I have a vested interest in bringing them to justice.
Quinn:And they tried to kidnap me.

Leo:Not on our watch ,let's get back to the lair. Raph, grab Friday the 13th here and follow. If he can help us find Bebop and Rocksteady, he's coming with. So are the girls.
Casey:No, he's not. Not a chance. I'm staying right here.
Cloe:Yeah I agree we're not going anywhere.
Raph:I'd agree with you, but you're wrong. See, we too, share a "vested interest."
Sasha:Squeeze me,vested interest?
Casey:I don't share anything with you guys.
Mikey:Fellas, ladies... Now, the people of New York need us to set aside our differences and work together. Which begs only one question.
Mikey:Are you two guys like a thing or...
Raph:Come on, move it!
Yasmin:I feel safe you guys.
Jade:Me too.
[cut to everyone in the turtles in the sewers]

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