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Whistling sound can be heard in a wide indoor field.

A wooden sword was swung repeatedly and so sharply it creates sound as it sliced the air.

Holding the wooden sword is a small child of only five.

Standing by his side is a knight with his arms crossed over his chest observing the child with serious eyes.

“Good. You can stop now.” The knight addressed the child.

The boy, Cale, stopped and lowered his sword. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with his arm then turned to the man.

The knight instructor gave him an appreciative once over before speaking.

“You finished the course training intended for 8 year old squires much faster than expected Young Master.” The knight smiled wryly.

This young master of his had only been training for a year but already advanced two times. And he’s only five. He can’t even imagine what he’ll become in the future.

Young Master Cale not only has talent but also the determination to become strong. He doesn’t know where that drive comes from but he can tell that the young master is serious about his training. His level of passion in training can’t even compare to adult knights that had been training for years.

No matter, because their young master is very diligent in his training the knights of the Henituse County can’t afford to fall behind. They wouldn’t want to lose to a five year old after all. Thus, it began the knight’s revolution.

The Henituse knights began training harder than before. It’s not like they were slacking before, but they weren’t giving their hardest either. They would train just enough then call it a day. After all, the world is peaceful.

But then their young master who’s only four decided he wanted to train and showed great promise and determination. He trains like he’s a soldier preparing for a war. He’s so diligent you’d think he’s an experienced soldier instead of a toddler.

Knights have great pride in themselves so seeing a four year old working so hard in training to the point that he couldn’t move his body anymore, spur the competitive blood of those knights.

They started to train hard and improved by leaps and bounds. Their standard also became higher that all the new recruits would cry blood after just a few days.

Cale didn’t know yet but his action started the what would be called, the greatest knight brigade in the Roan Kingdom and the Western Continent that rivals even the purely knight households in the future.

Cale smiled brightly at his instructor. Then stood straight and saluted.

“Yes, thank you very much!”

The knight instructor was pleased with his manners. Even though he is the young master, he still decided to give respect to his instructor. The knight, Gillian, couldn’t help the pride swelling in his chest and smiled.

“Ahem. Tomorrow you will be doing new drills and some sword techniques. Your stances had been solid from the start so I will be teaching you the sword techniques that you wanted to learn since the start young master.”

“Really!?” Cale asked in excitement.

“But of course, I will be very strict with you. If you couldn’t do it, we’ll get back to the basics like you’ve been training in for a year.” Gillian warned.

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