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The cold wind of the late winter blew across the estate carrying with it the promise of a heavy snow and colder weather.

Shivering from the cold, a figure sneakily thread through the shadows. Being careful not to be seen nor detected.

Wering a hood that covers his head and face, the figure continued to slip outside of the count's estate, unaware that he had already caught the attention of one sharp servant.

Once outside the figure, Cale, let out a long breath he's been holding. He looked around to make sure he's not followed then tightened the robe around him before walking in the direction of the town.

The servant continued to follow undetected by his young master. Thinking to himself that he needs to teach his young master how to be stealthy in the future. He's not bad but not enough for the expert's standards.

At eight year old, Cale had never been to town before. That is excluding his previous time where he spent almost all his time in the town drinking his ass out. In this time, this will be the first outing to town he'll experience. In secret at that. Not even Cade knew he snuck out.

Feeling proud of himself for being able to go out unnoticed, Cale explored the town.

Turning a corner, he found himself looking at a small building.

He finally found her.

Just at the entrance of the place, he can see a woman with brown hair arranged in a neat bun and wearing simple but elegant looking clothing that fits the weather. With her gaze deep and sharp, he immediately recognized the woman to be his previous step-mother.

In the previous timeline, Cale never really hated her. He doesn't know if he loves her because in his heart he only have Drew as his mother but he did know that he is grateful to her for being there for his father. His father who nearly lost himself with grief. His father who drowned in sorrow every waking hours. She was there to pull him out and make him stand again.

He still doesn't like the thought of replacing his mother even a bit but he now knows that that is not really the case. His father won't be replacing his mother, he's just moving on. And that would be the same for him and Cade.

Cale walked to the side and stealthily observed the woman.

She is talking to some people who looked to be her subordinates. Then he saw it. A small hand is gripping his mother's skirt.


The little brother of his previous time. He is not of Deruth's blood but it does not matter in their family. To Cale, Bassen is his brother no matter what others say.

Cale remembers the first time he saw Bassen. He had been shy and timid and would hardly talk. He gives him side glances like he wanted to say something but decided not to when Cale looks at him.

Cale finds it cute but their relatives just took it as a go signal to bully him.

Then Cale started his trashy act.

This time, Cale wonders if they can finally bond like true brothers unlike their life before.

After a few minutes of watching them, Cale turned away and trudged back to the estate.

Staying for a second longer, Ron stared at the woman his young master had sneaked out for before leaving and following his young master. Mind already planning to conduct investigations as soon as possible.

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