☆thoma catch up☆

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{How you meet}

Ah, well it was a lovely evening, You and ayaka were walking about and she had the idea to introduce you and
thoma, so she did and it went very well


{Confession time}

Well he didn't know how he felt about you, At first he thought of you as just a friend (Adrian 2.0) then a best friend, but as he spent More time with you his feelings grew and he didn't know what to do, he ignored it at first but his feelings were to strong. So he told you to meet him at midnight on the beach when you got there he was holding your favorite flowers, he took both of your hands and looked you in the eyes and confessed, when you excepted he hugged you. How cute♡


{Date time}

-dates with thoma are simple and cute, as long as your happy and having fun then so is he

-the most common dates you guys have is at the beach, playing in the water, having picnics on the beach, building stuff out of sand, and other beach stuff.

-his favorite dates are at home! Where he can be alone with you, make food and be comfortable


The things i would do for this man 😩

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