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Of course the first chapter has to be more GenTan, but the majority of this fic will follow up with other people Tanjiro lost. It'll mostly be comfort, but you know I'm gonna make it as bittersweet as I can :)


Tanjiro walks with Genya, letting him lead the way. They soon reach the stream that Tanjiro had heard before, and Genya explains they don't have a bridge to cross, so they'll just hop across.

All would be well in doing that, if Tanjiro didn't trip on a rock while jumping across, pulling the both of them down into the shallow water due to Genya not being balanced enough for the both of them. Both of them yelp and Genya quickly scrambles to his feet, shocked.

Tanjiro remains in the water, eyes widened, before they make eye contact and both burst out laughing the most either had laughed in what seems like forever.

"I'm sorry!" Tanjiro barely gets out between his laughs.

"You damn idiot! The one who killed Muzan and you slipped and fell in a stream!" Genya teases him through his laughing, steadying himself on his feet and offering his hand.

Tanjiro accepts the hand and allows Genya to help him up.

"Hey, my sandal got caught on a rock! It was an accident!" He jokes back, his smile as bright and warm as the sun.

Genya's face begins to turn a light shade of pink with seeing Tanjiro's smile. His own sunlight to keep him warm. Not even the heavenly warmth of the afterlife can compare to the warmth Tanjiro gives off.

He quickly clears his throat, gives a nervous and shy smile, eyes dropping to the ground.

"Are you alright, Genya?" Tanjiro asks, worried he upset him.

"I'm alright, just, let's get going," he responds, tugging on Tanjiro's hand to keep walking.

For as tough as Genya always has been, he's also been the shy of the two of them. He was the last to admit he loved Tanjiro, and Tanjiro had to make the first move after having a talk with Uzui's wives and Mitsuri about his feelings towards Genya.

Genya had also never talked about their relationship, while Tanjiro would always talk nonstop with anyone who would listen, which was usually Nezuko, Mitsuri before she passed, and Giyuu. Though, to be quite honest, he was never sure if Giyuu actually was listening or was just acting like he was because he didn't want to ask him to stop.

Of course, it was never that Genya was ashamed of their relationship, he was just worried Tanjiro would end up hating him like he felt his brother did for so many years, and his hopes would be crushed.

Tanjiro easily had picked up on this about him early on, so when he'd get shy like that, he had never pushed him, he always knew what Genya meant. He gently interlocks his fingers with other, smiling softly as he looks up to catch him blushing again.

"I'm glad we're back together again, love," Tanjiro tells him softly, gently running his thumb over Genya's hand, glancing down at them.

"Me... uh... me too, Tan," Genya nervously responds. "Um, look at the sky!" He tries to distract them both for a moment so hopefully his face cools down.

Tanjiro looks up to the most beautiful sunset he'd ever seen, and despite having to learn he shouldn't trust the night, he doesn't feel worried about it anymore.

"We don't have to fight here. It's safe at night. You'll never have to pick up another sword again," Genya assures, glancing over at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro is fixated on the sunset, his kind eyes matching the deep red and pink hues of the sky, something that Genya had always loved about him, as if he couldn't name hundreds more reasons. He steps closer to Tanjiro, needing the affection, but being unable to ask for it.

"Mm? What's- oh!"

Tanjiro catches on and gives a small laugh. He turns and gently places his arms around Genya's shoulders, leaning close to him.

"I love you," he follows up, placing a kiss on Genya's cheek.

Tanjiro has always been a soft lover, not really one to tease, he always knows when Genya needs to leave somewhere, seeing as he can't take as much socialising as Tanjiro can without getting frustrated and emotionally drained. And of course, Tanjiro also pays attention to him for others since Genya has a habit of getting angry when he's tired.

Tanjiro absentmindedly runs a finger along the scar under Genya's eye, humming quietly, albeit out of tune. At this point, he's just happy to be here, sort of forgetting they have others to go see, both of them have at this point, enjoying the soft fading light and each others' presence.

Everything around them almost stops existing to them, until a loud, "Young Kamado! Is that you??" Is heard nearby, to which Genya instinctively jolts back, caught off guard and Tanjiro turns to the familiar voice.


No worries y'all, there'll be more GenTan later, I just wanted to get on to the rest with him meeting up with the others. But I'll definitely take breaks in between each character and have more prepared after. Not sure HOW many chapters yet, but so we shall see.

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