chapter two

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The smell of freshly brewed vanilla coffee wafted through the air as she walked by. Her presence was somehow intimidating yet gave off a calming tone at the same time. 

Yeji glances in the direction of the blonde, who was talking to their coach.

"Oh, that's Shin Ryujin. Don't know much about her though, she just moved here. She'll be attending our school in September." (a/n: this takes place like a week before september starts so this is before school starts.)

"Oh..." Lia's gaze stayed on her without moving. She didn't miss the subtle way her pale face had a slight redness to it because of the cold air in the gym or how her uniform shirt rode up a bit when she brought her hand up to her neck, exposing her toned stomach and— wait what?

"Is it hot in here or..?" Lia asked as she fanned her face.

"Lia, you were just saying how cold it was in here?" Yuna followed Lia's direction of sight to Ryujin and smirked.

"Yeah, no it is really cold here." Lia shakes her head trying to clear her mind from the weird thoughts she was having. She sees the rest of the girls head for the door. "Now, practice is starting!" She stood up and brushed the dust off of her knees as she grabbed her bag.



Lia watched Coach Jessi from the other side of the field as she ran, not knowing whether she was feeling resentment or admiration at the older woman. She hated running these laps but she knew this year wouldn't be easy, and she knew coach Jessi was just preparing them for that. Still, the burning in her chest might've pushed the resentment emotion over the edge.

"I want to go home so bad." Lia manages to cry out between breaths. This is their 10th lap around the soccer field and her legs want to give out. The only thing stopping her from dropping on the floor and taking a nap is the embarrassment she would face.

"Come on Lia, it's not that bad. Just keep it up, we're almost done." Yeji encourages her. Lia had always appreciated Yeji's encouragement, it was one of the things she liked most about her. She smiled at the uplifting effort. Didn't stop her legs from hurting though.

Lia was surprised Yeji was running next to her, though. She was practically at the back of the line and after all, Yeji was the captain so she thought she would be up front. Who she did spot up near the front though, was a certain blonde running next to Chaeryeong in her row.

Lia tried to refocus as Yeji led them through their stretches. She couldn't let herself get distracted, especially not on the first day.


After a long day of running and doing shooting drills, the coach and captain called them over to discuss some important details for their upcoming scrimmage.

"Yes guys, I know, I know a scrimmage sounds very intimidating, especially because we just started practice, but it isn't a real game, so don't freak out, but also show them what you can do on that field okay?" Yeji looked to her team with a look of pride and encouragement. Lia was in awe, she had never seen Yeji take this much initiative and she was really impressed. Coach definitely chose right.

"It'll be this Saturday at 8 am and it's an away game so don't even think of missing the bus. Make sure you all eat enough before we go and get enough sleep the night before, okay? See you all then." She put her arm straight out initiating the break off "DRAGONS ON THREE ONE TWO THREE-"

"DRAGONS" the team shouted and threw their fists in the air as they broke off for the day. (a/n: if you guys don't know what this is, it's basically when a team shouts their team name before they break off for a game or practice. We'll just say their team animal is a dragon.)

"Guys wait, if I don't have your number come here." Chaeryeong called out to the group and waved them over. Lia stood in the line of girls, and when she got up to Chaeryeong she gave her number. She tried to keep her eyes away from the blonde standing behind her, gathering her things.

I guess she already has her number, she thought. Chaeryeong looked up from the phone at her and Lia snapped out of it.

"What is this for? Please don't tell me some fundraising thing." Lia joked half heartedly, really hoping the red head did not catch her looking.

"Oh, it's for the soccer group chat, we'll send important information in it, like any soccer dinners people might have, changes in practice times, and yes probably fundraisers." Chaeryeong jested.

Lia smiled, she hadn't ever talked to Chaeryeong before, probably because their difference in year but she appreciated the light heartedness of her response. 

"Oh okay thank you for adding me, see you tomorrow!" Lia tiredly smiled and nodded while looking at the time, honestly wanting to go home at this point.

Lia stretched her arms and legs, tired after the long day. She knew she definitely would be feeling it tomorrow and she wanted to get home and rest, but she spotted Ryujin walking to the far side of the school, opposite the way everyone normally walks home.

"Hey guys, I'll catch you later." She waved to Yeji and Yuna, still taking their cleats off on the bench.

She ran off and crossed the street separating the field and the school and headed off to the corner to where she saw Ryujin go. She felt weird about following her. What would she think? Probably that she was a stalker. And she just met her today. Why is she doing this? Her curiosity overrode those thoughts though, and she turned the corner.

She spotted Ryujin crouched on the curb in a boyish fashion, wearing one shoe, while the other was in her hand. She was swinging the cleat around in the air, a grey and white cat under it swatting at the laces hanging down.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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