Chapter 3

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I am sitting here in the backyard waiting on a bench. He told me to wait here while he gets the stuff that I am going to use. I am wondering what stuff it could be. Maybe I need to do gardening or repairing. But I actually have no clue. Minutes are passing perhaps even half an hour passed already and I start to worry about him. I should take a look and see what he is doing. But I have a problem. I don't know where he went. I just saw him going around the corner and that's it. He said that he is getting something. So maybe he headed somewhere where he stores his stuff. Because it is possible that he went into the cellar I am about to see if he is there. The cellar is quite dark. Not a single light is on. I doubt that I can find him here but I still don't know where I can find him. "Hello? Is someone here?" All I am hearing is my echo coming back from the empty hallway that connects all the storage rooms from each apartment. I turn around and get back to the garden. Maybe he is already there. But as I take a look into the garden still, he didn't show up. I take a seat on the bench and start thinking where he could be. I've come to the conclusion that he maybe drove somewhere to get that stuff. Waiting is my only option. It is the most boring one though. I am trying to use the time I can not use. That's why I close my eyes now and start to relax. But I can't. Something scratches my leg. I open my eyes and see Daisy the cat that shows up wherever I go. How did you find me this time? "Sorry that it took so long. I wasn't able to find it. Here take it.", says the man out of nowhere. He gives me sunglasses. "Why do I need those?" And where did he come from. I look at him waiting for an answer. But he tells me to just wear it for safety reasons. Whatever those are. But ok. Now that I have them on, I don't feel safer but let's see. Maybe I am wrong. "What should I do now?", I ask him. "You need to look straight into the sun and tell me what you see." Wait, I know I have sunglasses on but looking straight into the sun can make me go blind. What exactly does it help when I stare into the sun? Confused I look at him "Are you sure you want me look straight into the sun even though I will lose my eyesight?" He nods. "Trust me. You won't be blind after that. It may sound weird, but you need to do this in order to help me. Do you need a prove that nothing will happen?" He looks up into the sky and really looks into the sun for a couple of seconds. "Show me a number with your fingers so I can prove you that I am not blind right now." I show him my fist. Because no one expects someone to show zero fingers. "I see no fingers. See, I am not blind. Now it is you're turn." How did he manage to not go blind? I still don't want to look up there but I do it anyways. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt. "So, what do you see?" Actually, I am not sure what I am seeing. "Um. There is a door in there." "Good. And now can you open the door?" What is he trying to do? The sun is too far away. There is no possibility for me to open the door. "What do you mean? The door is out of reach." "You can do it. All you have to do is to believe that you can open the door. I can do it, too. But you won't be able to notice it." If imagination is the key to everything then I should be able to fly. But welcome to the reality where such things like believing won't work. He is trying to make a fool out of me isn't he? But I don't care. He should have his laughs. If that is what he wants. Once again, I look up into the sun and imagine opening the door. Like I could do it. Somehow it really opened. What is this? Why can I do this? "The door is open now." My eyes start to hurt now. That's when I stopped looking into the sun. How long have I been glaring up there? It almost feels like my eyes are on fire. "Wow. I never would have thought that you could actually do this. I am so proud of you. But I never would have thought that your eyes would hurt that fast. Look at me. "He takes off my sunglass and splashes water right into my eyes. "Ouch! Stop it!" I know my eyes are burning like fire but was it necessary to make my face wet? "So, we're good for today. You can go upstairs to dry your face." I grab the keys he is giving me and head to the bathroom so I can dry my face with a towel. Never have I met someone like this. Most people who let me live with them acted normal around me even when they threw me out. But he is making a clown out of me at the very first day. Where is my costume? I am opening the door and enter the flat to go straight into the bathroom. I take the towel and dry my face. While I dry it, I take a glimpse into the mirror as I see a black liquid dripping down from the floor stab. I suddenly freeze. It climbs up my legs up to my neck and starts to gather around my neckless that the old man gave me. "Grab the sword." An unknown voice says. All of a sudden. My body starts to move. But it's not me who controls the movements I do. It's like I am possessed. What is happening now? Someone! Can someone help me? I want to shout for help. But I can't open my mouth since I am now fully covered in this liquid. I am now at my sleeping room. My hands start to push the wardrobe I tried to move today. It moves. The shimmering thing behind my wardrobe was a sword. Is this the sword that the unknown voice wanted? My possessed me grabs it. As I touch it, I start to panic more. Because I see terrifying creatures which are covered in the same liquid as I am. I close my eyes. I don't want to see this anymore. But I can't stop panicking. There is a disgusting smell. It is so disgusting that I can't even breathe. I need air. I feel dizzy. My head can't handle this. It is getting worse and worse. I start to crawl blindly into a random direction. A direction that gets me away from this noise I hear. Am I going to die? If I can't get breathable air, I will! I think my heart stopped beating. I can't crawl anymore. The noise stopped. And I collapse. 

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