Where'd You Go?

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Where'd you go?
I miss you so...
It seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.

Hiro had been on a business trip for nearly 4 months now, He is supposed to come home in two months...But you still can't help but feel sad and alone, even though he calls you every day.
You heard your phone ring. It has Hiro you pick up and answer.
"Hey..." you say with saddness in your voice.
"Hey (Y/n), how have you been?"
"(Y/n) you know I miss you too, I'll be back in two months."
"Well I just miss you okay!? I haven't seen you in a really long time! And I just miss you!..." you hang up and started breaking down into tears.
@@ Time skip @@
Hiro tried to call and text you several times, but you didn't answer because you afraid of what you would say if you did answer.
Then you heard a knock on your door, you answer it to see Honey Lemon.
"Hey (Y/n)..."
"Hey Honey, what's up?.."
"Uh I actually need to take you somewhere." She said as she grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the house.
You got in her car and buckled your seatbelt.
"Honey where are we going?" you asked her.
"Just wait!"
"But why am I-"
"No questions!."
"This is gonna be a long ride" you thought.
The car stopped in front of an airport.
"What the-" you were cut off by Honey dragging you out of the car.
"Just come with me."
She dragged you through the crowds of people, until she let go.
"Okay! Why! Are! We! Here! I was just relaxing at home, MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS! And then you came up and dragged me all the way here! For what reason?! Because I don't-" you saw a smirk appear on her face.
"Look behind you (Y/n)."
You turn around to see Hiro standing a few yards away from you, you put your hands over your mouth and run into his arms.
"Oh Hiro, I'm so sorry I acted like that! I never should have yelled at you like that! I know you may not ever forgive me but I'm just so sorry!!" You say while sobbing.
"Sshh...(Y/n)...Its okay, I already forgave you. I should have payed more attention to your feelings before I left...But I just really missed you."
You felt yourself collapse in his arms and you both sat on the floor.
"uh guys. We're in public." Honey lemon mumbled to herself.
"Y-yes Hiro?"
You saw him kneel on one knee.
"Will you marry me (Y/n)?"
You put your hands over your mouth and started crying even more.
"Yes Hiro of course I will!" You said hugging him tightly.
"Ok! I'm gonna leave these two lovebirds alone." Honey Lemon said to herself before walking away.
"(Y/n)...I love you."
"I love you too..." you gave him a kiss on his lips.

Okay so I hope that was good! ...Probably not... But if you guys didn't know that song was Where'd You Go by Front Mirror (I think.) so yeah I think it's a really nice song and I heard it a few minutes ago for like the millionth time. And I felt like making something like this .-. (Akward...)
So yeah leave me requests if you want I even take those song request thingys so yeah if you want me to do a OneShot based on a song I can do that. BUT! Any request helps
Sibling HiroXReader, parent HiroXReader, sad HiroXReader, Lemon HiroxReader. Wait what?? Jk but I will do a lemon HiroXReader >:1 IF you guys want me too!
Okay bye!!

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