1 : Piper

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Piper rarely had an opportunity to sit back and relax, being a demigod and all. Now, after the war, she had every opportunity to. Sadly, she didn't want to rest at this time. She missed her best friend, the one who died to save them. Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of him. Leo, she thought. Come back. Unsurprisingly, no one answered. She stared at the photos she had with Leo. The sight of him breaks her heart. Gods, that mischievous smile and elf-y features, she missed those. She snapped out of her daze as someone knocked on the door.
"Come in," she croaked out. Normally, she didn't care if people judged her by her appearance, but right now, she started to worry if people thought of her as a ghost, because honestly, she looked like one.
Maybe if I look too much like a ghost, Thanatos will see me as one and bring me to the Underworld. I might be able to see my not-so brotherly brother again, she thought.
"Holy Hephaestus, Pipes, you look horrible!"
That voice.
Oh my gods, it's actually him, she thought.
"Valdez, I'm going to kill you!" She bellowed. Her whole body seemed to radiate anger. Here she was, all worried about him, and that's what he says? She made noise that seemed like a mixture of a sob and a growl. Her right hand almost ripped through the photos she'd been holding, while her left was holding Katoptris, her knife. Imagine that, plus a dead looking demigod, and even the strongest God would pee their pants.
Leo squeaked. "Heh, nice to see you too?"
Piper ripped her blankets off of her and ran to him, tackling the poor Latino boy. She didn't seem to notice the girl right next to him.
"One, there is no crotch to tear apart, and two, why would you need it anyway?"
"That hurt, Beauty Queen. It really did."
"Ahem," a voice interrupted them. "Sorry to ruin your moment, but what are you doing on top of my boyfriend?" Piper got off of her best friend, and stared at the beautiful girl before bursting into laughter.
"Oh my gods, that's perfect," she said in between laughter. Leo and the other girl didn't seem to be laughing.
"Wait, you were serious?" They both nodded.
"But. . .What. . .How. . .How did he," she looked at Leo surprisingly. "Get her? I mean, no offence, Repair Boy, it's just that. . .Holy Hera. . .She's way out of your league."
"Excuse me?"
"Moving on," The girl interrupted. "Hi! I'm Calypso." Her smile seemed perfect, too perfect. It reminded Piper of a goddess.
Calypso. . .Where had she heard that name before?
"You're Atlas' daughter," Piper said. "Percy talked about you." Leo made a face, as if to say, Don't bring that up, you dimwit! Calypso's eyes drifted away from her gaze.
"Can we not talk about him?" Piper nodded.
"Yeah, sorry."
"Hey, I heard all the commotion out there, what's going--LEO VALDEZ IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN I SWEAR TO THE GODS NOT EVEN YOUR SOUL WILL BE LEFT TO GO TO THE UNDERWORLD!" Percy glared at Leo.
"What a nice reunion," Leo muttered.
"You scared the shi. . .znits out of me!" Piper laughed.
"Shiznits? Is that the best you can do?"
"Hey, when you've had a full out war, went to Tartarus, battled Kronos, and lost your memory, you'd get pretty stressed out."
"How does that have to do with censoring curse words?"
"Ahem, guys, we're here too," Leo gestured to himself and Calypso. Percy's eyes widened at the sight of Calypso. However, the goddess looked the opposite. She narrowed her eyes at him with her arms crossed.
Piper sensed the awkwardness between the two.
"Anyway, let's go introduce Calypso to the others. How does that sound?" The three people nodded.
"Yeah, that's a good idea," Percy said.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go introduce my hot girlfriend!" Leo said, who in return, got a smack behind his head for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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