Lunar Eclipse

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I woke up when Skye was moving and her wing hit me in the face 20 TIMES!!
I went to the living room and laid on the couch and my wings covered me but I forgot the couch was black so Alpha ,Flame ,and Angel sat not me. "Hades what have you guys been eating" I said pushing them off. They lands on their faces and I covered myself with my wings again. About an hour later Beauty and Shadow sat on me but they didn't weigh that much so I went to sleep again. When I woke up everyone was coming in "I missed training?!?!? Why didn't anyone wake me up!!!!" I yelled. My hair burst into flames and my eye cracked. They ran back out except for three people Beauty ,Shadow ,and Destruction.

"We were under attack and we forgot about you" Shadow said. "Chaos came by and said we have to reveal ourselves and we did" Destruction said. I was wondering why their hoods were down and they didn't have their masks. "Next is the Olympians but the hunters and campers are coming cause you didn't reveal yourself yet" Beauty said. I groaned and put my face into the couch. "Fine as long as no one hugs me" I told her. "Go get the others I'll open a portal" I told them. After a few minutes we left and I was the last to step through about to show that I cheated death.

*On Olympus*

Everyone revealed themselves except me and Beaty. She went first and she said " You all know me as Beauty but my name is Jessica daughter of Aphrodite but before that I was Bianca Di Angelo Daughter of Hades" she said. Hades and Aphrodite started crying that Aphrodite letting her make-up smudge and eyeliner drip. The souls in Hades clothes were crying and weeping and so was Hades they two gods got off their thrones went to human form and hugged their daughter.

Ares cleared his throat ruining the moment. The three hugging glared at him and then Aphrodite went up to him and slapped him then turned away from Ares and kissed Hephaestus her husband. I snapped my fingers and Hephaestus became the second best looking god. Aphrodite squealed and hugged me and crushed me."Thank you thank you TTTHHHAAANNNKKK YYYOOOUUU!!!!!!!" She squealed. She finally let me go and I began to breath. "You all know me as Omega 1st in command of Chaos's Angels but my name is...." That when it happened the Lunar Eclipse my angels starting glowing and so did I. My heart hurt and my eyes and hair changed color my hair was shaved on the sides and the hair on top and grew into a Mohawk the slash on my cheek became a scar. My mask fell off and my hood went down. Piercings appeared in my ears and snaked bites piercings. I looked up everyone changed we were no longer Chaos's Angels we were his Anti-Angels.

*Bianca/Beauty's POV*

My head was shaved on one side and my hair was nearly covering my eye. Everyone who was nice in the Army was mean and evil if you were mean you were changed into a nice ,good person. "So can you reveal your true identity?" Apollo asked. Omega looked at him "I thought this was revealing my self" He told Apollo. Everyone rolled their eyes. I walked in front of him and put my hands on the sides of his face gave him a quick kiss which made everyone gasp except Shadow who had blond hair in pig tails and glasses ,with a ocean blue dress and yellow high heels. Then I hit him upside the head ,h looked at me and was shocked "What was that for" he asked whining."Babe, I love you but your an idiot sometimes" I told him. "Ya ya I love you to" he said. I chuckled when I saw he wasn't wearing armor and that my mom made it so he wasn't wearing a shirt.

After he had a shirt on and we tied Aphrodite to her throne and covered her in Chaos ink blocking her arms. He opened his wings and changed his hair back to white and his eyes to ichor gold. He said "My name is Zack Gomez Son of Apol-"he stopped himself " Disowned child of Apollo ,adoptive child of Chaos Heir to the universe" he said. Percy started walking towards him with his arms open but when he was a few feet away Omega kicked him pushing he back. "You stay the HADES AWAY FROM ME" he yelled. Apollo ran up to his child and hugged him. Omega just stood there "Hey Dad" he said. "I reclaim Zack Gomez as my son" Apollo said then went back to his throne. Annabeth threw her dagger at Omega but I caught it and Alpha , Shadow ,and Destruction rushed at her but before they could attack Omega stomped his foot spelling them to stop. They walked back and glared at her.

"Nephew ,may I ask why you attacked my son" Poseidon asked? He showed his scar on his arm saying MURDERER. Percy looked down as he saw what he had done was still there. "May I ask why you have changed during the Lunar Eclipse" Artemis asked. "The energy combined by Moon and Sun have created a blockage of Chaos balance" Omega answered. "So we revert to our opposites" he finished and ran a hand throw his red hair. "So if that's all I guess we can leave" I said. As I turned away Nico hugged me for the fifth time. He walked away and when I turned around I felt lips touch mine I smiled slightly thinking it was Omega but when the person pulled away I saw that it was Percy.

I had to help the five people who were pulling Omega back from killing Percy. His eyes were so cracked that they looked like they would either explode or break in half. He was so mad that we cracked a gash in the middle of the throne room. I walked in front of him and hit him in the collar-bone and we fell forward. The Angels picked him up and walked him threw a portal. I walked up to Percy and slapped him across the face. Then kicked him in the knee.

The living was a mess ,the rooms were trashed ,and now the cabin was on fire and then it exploded. Then the moon went back to normal and we all reverted to normal. The hunters stopped the fire. Then the Angels built a fire-proof cabin while we picked up the pieces on the ground and the campers swiped up the ash. We were at the dining pavilion and the campers just starred at us when Omega help my hand. Nico almost tried to kill him. Then Omega went to go chat with his brothers and sisters. Then all the guys on campus except the Aphrodite and Apollo guys surrounded me. Asking to date me or if I was single then one guy put his arms around me and of course it was am Ares kid.

He was bragging about how he was supposedly dating me and how many times we kissed. He kissed my cheek and I was just hoping for Omega to come. After an hour I heard someone from the crowd say "Hey baby, how about a kiss?" "How about I stab you in the eye" I told the voice. "YA! She's my girl" the Ares kid said. "I beg to differ pal" said the voice. "Oh YA how about you come and fight me" he shouted at the voice. Then I heard the voice next to me "I would but I might kill you" it said. I turned my head and I saw Omega. "Hey babe ,miss me" he winked. I punched him in the arm then slapped him across the face ,TWICE! The Ares kid panicked and tripped trying to run away. "So I saw how you handled that" he said. I looked at him and glared. "What's wrong why you so mad" he asked. " I don't know. I now how to cheer up though hey baby, how about a kiss" I said sarcastically. "Oh" he said. "You owe me. Go talk to Percy" I told him.

*Omega's POV*

"Hey Perce" I said as I sat down next to him. "Zack I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive and if you don't I completely understand". I smiled then looked at the campers. "Nah man. It's okay if you didn't do what you did I wouldn't have met any of the Angels and I never would have told Bianca I love her." I told him. "Sorry about kissing her though I just had a major crush on her before she died" he told me. I chuckled "Man I thought you liked Annie" I said. "Nah we broke up a few years back" he said. "Hey I'm sorry dude but I do know a certain Aphrodite girl who likes you" I said "You mean Piper she dating Jason" he said. "Not anymore they broke up when we arrived I over heard her talking about you" I said. He smiled then had an idea "He can you change clothes and appearance" he asked. " I'm way ahead of you" I said then snapped my fingers and my hair turned black and had light sea-green eyes ,with the exact same clothes as him.The Aphrodite girls went crazy and chased us for hours. Once we lost them Perce went to talk to piper and I went back to my cabin.

I was tackled onto my bed by Bianca. Who held my arms down and intertwined her legs with mine. "Dude , can we not do this with Skye in the room AND Blackjack" the two grew to love each other and they were in my room staring at us. She sighed laid down next to me and put my wing around her and feel asleep. (O=Omega ,S=Skye ,B=Blackjack)
S: This is my room too
B: Sorry little boys but it true

I sighed then looked at Bianca then feel asleep smiling.

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