Chapter 1: How I Met My True Love

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Chapter 1:Seth's POV

"Wake up Aser.Time for school." Ziscar said softly. Ziscar; my best friend and other half, was lying on top of me playing Cooking Mama and stopping me from sleeping. Sai, my third half, was probably out exploring again. By half of course; I mean that their my conscious'. I have multiple personality disorder, and one of my symptoms in my case are that my consciousness refers to it self as one or multiple people; in my case two people.

Ziscar and Sai are literally my consciousness at work. of course, only I can see them. Sai is about 6 or 7 years older than me, and Ziscar is my age so he comes to school with me. Sai has always been sort of independent and adventurous, so there have been many times when I would wake up and she wouldn't be there, but Ziscar has always been really attached to me. he's always been the one that never left my side.

"Shut up." I mumbled, before dragging my body upwards and placed my feet heavily on the cold hardwood floor. Ugh. Mondays. I dragged myself out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom, where I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked to my finally, finally fully awake again, and got dressed.

Black skinny jeans, leather boots, orange spaghetti strap tank, white butterfly covered top, dark blue jean jacket, black eyeliner, brown eye shadow, blended pink lip gloss, butterfly necklace, butterfly bracelet, butterfly earnings, butterfly ring. SCENT: Vouges Butterfly

I made my way downstairs and went to the fridge. I grabbed an apple and shoved it in my mouth and threw into my open lunchbox, along with a container of cold lasagna, a fork, a kitkat, and a container of cookies i made. Then I grabbed an energy bar for on the way to school and shoved it in my purse; which had been sittin on the kitchen counter over night.

I grabbed my backpack which was sitting on the floor and shoved all my shit in it, including my textbooks, my homework, my laptop, my notepad and a copy of the lord of the rings. Afterwards, I grabbed my purse and slung my backpack over my shoulder, but not before grabbing my keys.

I got out my phone and called out 4. He answered and we chatted a bit while he made his way over. 4 works pretty far out often, and he drives there at 6:30 every morning. Denson Public High School just so happened to be on the way, so he drove me every morning ever since high school started, I live pretty far away from school, and it would at least an hour to bus there and 3 to bike, so that's not happening.

Oh right. By the way, I'm sure youve guessed that I'm no ordinarybhuman by now. Now dont get me started, I'm not a demon, but I'm not accult freak or anything either. I'm just regular everyday normal 9th grade high school student that has been gifted with the ancient powers of The Art Of Faithless. What is The Art Of Faithless you ask?

Well, the art of faithless is kinda like witchcraft and magic spells and stuff. But really, it's just forcing intention into reality. For example, in my case, if I wanted someone to give me back something they stole from me, I could force my will onto the space that surrounds them and force that will of mine into a reality, therefore remodelling the persons ideals and intent into my own ideals and intent.

If this makes it easier, I I use it on you its like mind control. If I use it on the the space around you it's influence, and if I use it one data or inanimate objects, it's spell casting. Understand?

Good, because 4 pulled over. What, what do you mean whose 4? Oh right. I haven't told you yet. 4 is a friend of mine. His real name is Daniel Marker, a friend of my older brothers originally. After big brother passed on, Daniel took care of me and the others. I call him 4 because he's the 4th child of his family, like me.

Anyways, he drove me to school and I read lord of the rings until class started. Damn. I love Frodo, he's so damn adorable. He reminds me of Kyle. Kyle's my cousin, by the way. Anyways, English went by pretty fast, as did history. I said good bye to Mr Eden, but just before I left he told not to look for Julien because he had detention for being latebthis morning. I chuckled. "Oh jeez. Go easy on him Sir, he's sensitive." He smirked and laughed a bit. "Yeah in some places that would be true."

I felt my jaw drop. "OHMIGOSH! You pervert!" I laughed. "Jeez, I am SO telling Julien." He laughed, but suddenly lowered his voice and whispered. "Yearl but don't tell him alright, I like thebkid, don't ruin my chances, alright Seth." I grinned and winked cutely. "Sure, but ya owe me!"

He laughed, and I skipped outbox the room only to bump into Julien. "Have fun." I whispered in his ear. I saw his fade flush beet red out of the corner of y eye and smirked. I love to tease those two for the guys they like, and it works cuz those guys are teacher, Julien is always embarrassed about it and Kyle's in total denial.

ANYWAYS, I hung out with Kyle out by the soccer field like we always do when Juliens being groped by the history teacher. After, he said he had to go talk to his science teacher about something, so I read lord of the rings until the bell rang. Unfortunately, I fell asleep at one point and the soccer field is a pretty far walk from the school building. I found myself arriving at the building just at the bell. Damn! thought. Mr. Grevins hates when people are late for math. So I ran.

And when I got there the door was closed. How odd. Mr. Grevins never closes the door, like ever. So when I knocked on he door, it surprised quite a bit to see a woman I had never met in my entire life open the door. She was hot, ill give her that. The honey blond hair my older brother had that I loved so much was heaped on her head, neatly curled and cascading down against her should elegantly. Her big, beautiful blue eyes simmered warmly, and as I looked up at her tall; beautiful self, I felt warm again for the first time in ages. I couldn't help by stare wondrously at the beauty that stood before me.

"And you are?" Her voice matched her body perfectly. However, she did not smile at me. She just stood there, tapping her foot impatiently. "Oh. Sorry. My name is Asr- I mean Sethian Blossoms. I'm Mr. Grevins' student. Are youour substitute?" The gorgeous woman sighed and told me to go sit down. "Yes, well, as I was saying. Mr. Grevins retired last weekend, so with that case closed, I will be your new math teacher, permanently."

Her eyes made their way towards me and she smirked oddly. "Sethian Blossoms?" I gulped. She was frowning and she looked really angry now. "Yes Mam?" She grinned creepily and I suddenly realized that I was wrong about her being pretty she was too scary to be pretty. "See me after school."

I looked over to the whiteboard; where in perfect handwriting, her name had been scribbled onto the board in a royal blue dry erase marker: Ms. Evans. I felt a small smile form at my lips, and I giggled bit under my breath. "So." Ziscar whispered against my ear. "She isn't married."

And that was how we met.


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