Nala Leaves The Pride Lands

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Trigger Warning: Implied past relationship between Scar and Adult Nala

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"You're what?" Sarafina asked her daughter in shock.

"I'm leaving." Nala said, putting her head down. "I can't stay here anymore, mom!"

Sarafina sighed slightly. "I know things are hard dear but-"

"We can't live like this!" Nala said. "The Pride Lands are dying, and our so called king doesn't care!"

"Shh!" Sarafina hushed her. "He might be listening."

"Good." Nala said, bluntly. "Someone needs to tell him off..."

Sarafina got closer and whispered, "Nala, you know we can't." She looked around nervously before continuing. "He's always surrounded by the hyenas."

Nala pulled back. "I need to find help."

"Nala..." Sarafina frowned.

"Someone needs to get help." Nala said. "And no one else has stepped up."

Sarafina sighed again. "You're right....but careful..."

Nala nuzzled her gently. "I will mom."

She turned to leave the den, and gave her mom one last smile before heading off.

Nala knew she couldn't just leave, she needed to set up an alibi first. Anxiously she made her way to Scar's personal den.

She scanned the area for hyenas and breathed a silent sigh of relief when she didn't see any. Inside was just Scar with Zazu in his cage of bones, and nearby two baby cubs, Kovu and Vitani, huddled together.

Scar's eyes lit up when he saw the lioness enter. A smirk grew on his face as he went over to her.

"Why Nala. I never thought I'd see you here again." Scar chuckled.

Nala narrowed her eyes. "Scar we need to talk..."

"Why, we certainly do." Scar said. He went over to the two cubs and picked up Vitani, before placing her in front of Nala. "I think it's about time you took responsibility as a mother."

Nala glared at Scar, but took Vitani under her paw. "This isn't about her, Scar."

The little cub mewed as she nuzzled against Nala's leg.

"Then what is it?" Scar sighed. "I'm very busy with kingly duties."

"Kingly duties indeed..." Zazu muttered under his breath.

"I want permission to leave the Pride Lands to hunt!" Nala said, quickly.

Scar's eyes widened. "Leave the Pride Lands?"

"The herds are thinning out." Nala explained quickly. "We need to expand our hunting range."

Scar sighed and put Vitani back next to Kovu, before laying back onto his rock. "That's not up to me, Nala. You need to ask the leader of the hunting party."

No. Not her...ugh....


"I put my trust in Zira to lead the hunting party." Scar said.

Because she's your mate.... Nala thought angrily.

"Thus, you need to ask her to hunt elsewhere."

Nala sighed. "Fine...." She turned to leave the cave, before bumping into a small grayish-brown cub. "Oh, I'm sorry Nuka."

"Auntie Nala? Are you leaving?" Nuka asked, his eyes wide and innocent.

Nala panicked. How did he know? Was he listening to me and mom talking?

"What? Of course not!" She said, quickly. "Why would you think that?"

"I heard you talking to papa." Nuka said.

Nala felt relieved. She leaned down to Nuka's level and made sure her tone was gentle, "No sweetie, I was just asking....your papa....if I could hunt somewhere else."

"But, why?" Nuka tilted his head.

"Well, a lot of the herds have left The Pride Lands, so we need to look for them in other places." Nala explained.

"Oh...Why did they leave?"

"There's no grass to eat anymore." Nala said. "They had to go somewhere where there's more grass."

"Oh." Nuka frowned. "I hope the grass comes back, that way the herds will come back! And you won't have to leave to go hunting, Auntie Nala. Then we can play together more!" He smiled widely at her.

Nala laughed gently and nuzzled Nuka's cheek. "I have to go talk to your mom, okay?"

"Okay." Nuka said. "But we can play later right!?"

Nala smiled more. "Right."

How could Zira and Scar produce something so cute and innocent? I hope he never changes....

Nala looked around for Zira. She spotted a group of hyenas, chewing onto the bones from the latest hunt.

Nearby, Zira was eating the meat from said hunt. As leader of the hunting party, she got first dibs on the hunt...Which was usually most of it, before dumping the scraps onto the hyenas.

Nala exhaled before heading over. "Zira?"

The lioness looked up, smirking with blood rushing down her chin.

"Why Nala." She said coyly. "It's nice to see you."

Nala glared slightly. "I need to talk to you. The herds are thinning out and I want permission to hunt outside of The Pride Lands."

Zira thought for a moment, curling her tail slightly. Finally she responded, "No."

Nala froze. "No? But...but the herds..."

"The herds are fine!" Zira snapped. She lifted her paw to show the carcass of the gazelle she was eating. "We managed to catch one of these this morning."

"Yes, after countless hours of hunting." A voice chimed in.

Zira and Nala looked over to see Sarabi standing beside them.

"Yes, I am aware." Zira said. "However the point is that there are still animals out there we can hunt, so we don't need to leave."

Sarabi exhaled harshly. "There wasn't enough food for all of us, we can't keep doing this!"

"Oh, on the contrary, I think we can." Zira smirked.

Sarabi snarled slightly, before Nala stepped in. "Zira....What if I go solo and bring back food for the whole Pride....Including you and the hyenas of course."

Zira seemed interested.

"Hey that doesn't sound half bad!" One of the nearby hyenas chimed in. "You should let her do it, Zippy!"

"It's Zira.." She growled.

"Right, right, my bad..."

Zira groaned slightly. She looked at Nala. "Somehow I trust you more than these scavengers." She exhaled slightly. "Fine. If you wish, you can try hunting elsewhere, but it better be worth the effort."

Zira extended her claws slightly in warning to show she was serious.

"I promise it will." Nala said. She turned to head off, giving The Pride Lands one last glance before she left. I promise it will be worth it Zira...You'll see.... 

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