go away, haters.

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Akaashi was no stranger to social media.

There’s always going to be online hate. The overwhelming amount of haters in the internet who destroys people’s self esteem. Some of them are even homophobic. You can never avoid them, the best thing you could only do is just to ignore them.

That’s why Akaashi never told people that he was dating someone. That he was gay, and that he was dating not 1, not 2, but 3 wonderful people.

It was only a moment before the viewers noticed, though.


Akaashi was streaming until midnight again, collabing with Kenma for this night, one of his boyfriends. Both of them were playing Genshin Impact, and Kenma was helping him fight bosses since he just started a little while ago.

“Keiji, you click Q to use your elemental burst.”

“I keep clicking E instead of Q, shut up. “

In the middle of playing Genshin, he decided to open his twitch and check his chat to try to talk for a bit.

kaeyasimpsotrue : Did Kenma just call Akaashi “Keiji”? That’s so sus wtf..

rxxiplays: do you think they’re dating?

asihdsjkdgfjhsgdfjhg: HAHAHAHAHA

Celestial: the fact that akaashi keeps clicking e instead of q is killing me rn

Sam: LMFAOOO imagine if they’re actually dating

akaashisupremacy: Keiji???? omg

He started to panic. Were his followers starting to suspect that? Maybe he shouldn't have collabed with Kenma today…

“Akaashi, are you still there?”

“Yeah, I'm here. I need some ascension materials for Bennett, do you know where you can find them?”

“I could send you the interactive map if you want, all the materials are marked there.”

“Sure, thanks”

He wasn’t ready yet.

He checked his digital clock on his right. “2:00 AM”. It was finally time to stop streaming, today was extremely exhausting.

‘That’s it for today guys, thank you for staying, and I hope you guys have a great day. Again, it’s AkaStreams, and goodnight everyone! Make sure to follow Kodzuken’s social media in the description! Bye!!”

Just as he finished streaming, someone opened the door to Akaashi’s room. He turned around, and noticed that it was Kenma who came in. He looked a bit worried. “Are you okay?” Akaashi questioned. “I think I should be the one to ask that. You seemed off today.” He pointed out.

He sighs. “People in the chat kept suspecting that we were dating.. And you know I'm seriously not ready to come out to them yet.”

“Because you’re scared of the hate? You know you can’t avoid them, Keiji. There’s always gonna be haters everywhere. You knew that before you became a streamer, right?”

Keiji nodded. Yes, of course he did. He just didn’t wanna affect everyone else’s lives. Kenma wasn’t his only boyfriend. He had two more. One of them was a pro volleyball player, and the other worked for the Japan Volleyball Association Sports Promotion Division. Coming out to the community would affect their jobs, and he didn’t want to do that. He didn’t want to ruin the work they both did just to achieve their jobs.

Just as he was about to say something, the door to his gaming room opened. “Hey! Are you guys done streaming yet? It’s almost 3am.” His other boyfriend, Bokuto, entered the room. “Mhm we were about to go now.” Kenma stood up and held out his hand.

“Let’s just talk about this in the room.” Kenma told Akaashi. He took his hand and they both walked to the bedroom together with Bokuto, who was right beside them.

Bokuto opened the door, and they all saw Kuroo sitting right beside the outlet, using his phone. That was, until he looked up and saw his beloveds. “Oh, you two finished streaming now?” Kuroo asked, as he placed his phone on the nightstand. Kenma hummed, and leaned on Kuroo’s chest. Akaashi and Bokuto got on the bed as well, just right beside Kuroo and Kenma.

“So, Akaashi.. are you going to talk about it?” Kenma asked him, worry still evidently on his face. “Talk about what? Did something happen today? Kuroo’s gaze shifted to Akaashi. “He was acting weird today because some of his followers kept assuming that we were dating.” Kenma sighs.

“You don’t want anyone to know don’t you?”

“It’s.. it’s not like that..”

“Then, what are you worried about, Keiji?” Bokuto questioned.

The room was quiet. Akaashi was on the brink of crying. Tears started to well up in his eyes, and he leaned into Bokuto further as the older boyfriend tried to comfort him.

“Hey Kei--Keiji? Are you crying?”

“I’m sorry..” He wiped his tears and hugged Bokuto tightly.

“What are you saying sorry about? Take your time, we’re always here for you” Kuroo rubbed his back, while tears still continued to fall.

They all sat there in complete silence, waiting for Akaashi to speak.

“It’s not like I don’t want to know, it’s more like I’m scared of the hate that’ll occur.. I’m scared of that.. The hate might affect all of your careers. You all worked hard to get your dream jobs, and I’m scared that saying that we’re dating to the public might ruin your guys’ reputation..”

“Keiji... you don’t have to worry about us.” He let go of Kenma and came to hug Akaashi. “Exactly, we already knew the hate that would come for us once we all dated each other.” Kenma moved closer to everyone and kissed Keiji on the cheek.

They all talked about the topic for the rest of the night, sleep forgotten.


After their talk, (which Akaashi found nerve-wracking,)  Akaashi finally decided to tell everyone.

| the truth

“Hello guys, it’s Akaashi here, and today I finally decided to tell everyone the so-called, “truth.” In Twitter and my Twitch chats, I noticed that all of you have been talking about Kenma and I. People have been suspecting that me and Kenma are dating, and today I decided to tell everyone what actually has been happening.

The three came into Akaashi's room, waving to say hi. “Well, yes. You guys are correct. Kenma and I are dating. Now, you’re probably wondering who these guys are at the back. You two, please introduce yourselves.” Akaashi smiled. “Hello everyone!! I’m Bokuto!! “He waves to the camera and smiles. “And hey, I’m Kuroo, you may have seen me from Kenma’s other streams, as we play together a lot.”

“The thing is, i’m not only dating Kenma.” He turns back to the camera. “I’m in a polyamourus relationship with Kuroo, Bokuto and Kenma.” A google picture comes up, revealing the meaning of what a polyamorus relationship is. “A polyamorus relationship is a relationship with 3 or more people. Basically, we are currently dating each other. And don’t worry, we are not cheating on each other since polyamory is consensual and disclosed to everyone involved.”

“So.. if you’re homophobic or anything, please feel free to unfollow me.”

“Because we will be together until we die, and that’s final.”

because we'll be together until we die, and that's final.Where stories live. Discover now