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The door opening should not be making Izuku sweat bullets at all.

“Izuku. I'm home.”

It should not but it is. Izuku’s face was stark white and his whole body tensed up. He thought he had a little more time to prepare himself before she got home. He could hear her taking off her shoes and dropping off her bag by the door. Her footsteps were the only sound heard in the apartment till they abruptly stopped. He looked up at the entrance of the hallway to see his mother staring at Aizawa and Tsukauchi. She opened her mouth then shut it, turned to look at Izuku, then shut her eyes and sighed.

“Give me a minute,” were the only words she uttered as she walked into the kitchen and made a cup of tea while putting a small bag of groceries away. She walked back over and sat at the sofa Izuku took up earlier. She looked at Izuku and then at the two men.

“He’s not in trouble is he or is this because he is chasing after hero fights?” His mother was straightforward with her questions.

“No ma’am, but we need to talk about some concerns we have. My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa. I'm a detective at the police precinct. This is Pro Hero Eraserhead also known as Aizawa Shouta and we had concerns about your son's safety.” Tsukauchi was cut off by the mother waving her hand.

“I apologize if Izuku caused any trouble at a hero fight. I keep telling him that he shouldn't be getting so close to the fights and that he could get hurt.” She saw the detective shake his head at her.

“That's not why we're here ma’am.” 

“Call me Inko.”

“Alright Inko. We had concerns for your sons safety due to something that was found last night.” Tsukauchi looked at Aizawa to tell the story.

“Basically, last night when I was on patrol, I came across your son saving a woman from either being mugged or raped. He stopped the perpetrator before anything actually happened but they did get away. I went to the roof of the building where I saw your son before the incident and found something that raised many concerns over the safety of others but your son as well.” Aizawa gestured to the notebook sitting on the table. Inko grabbed the book and looked over the pages filled with many notes of people with little descriptions and details of a death game. Inkos face turned to worry instantly. 

“ I don't understand. Izuku, this is fake, right?” Inko looked to Izuku who was staring at the ground. You could tell he was nervous and anxious. She looked to Tsukauchi who looked very much worried as well.

“Inko, my quirk is called Lie Detector. I can tell when someone is lying and telling the truth. We came by earlier so we could speak with Izuku. When we asked him about this, it all came up as the truth. Your son has forcefully been placed into a game of life and death by a God of Space and Time.” Inko looks scared but skeptical all at the same time. 

“It's true.” They all turned to the boy staring at the floor. He lifted his head and looked at his mother. 

“It's the truth mom. I know it sounds crazy and made up, but it's real and true.” He got up from sitting between the two men and walked over to give his mother a hug. She gripped onto him like he was about to be snatched away from her. She had tears rolling down her face as well as Izuku. He pulled away from the hug and looked her in the eye.

“Another thing I should mention is that the murders on TV that have been talking about the messages for Second are for me. In the game I am...known… as Second and everyone possibly has a grudge against me for being the favorite from the god.” She looked even more terrified than she did before, yanking him into another hug and crying harder. It took a couple minutes for her to calm down but turned to Aizawa and Tsukauchi. Aizawa looked at the detective  who grabbed his notepad from the table.

“Inko, we would like to put your son on watch due to this. His safety is important and because the other players are unknown, he could be attacked at any time. We would also like to have him learn self defence so he has some way to defend himself should anything arise.”

Inko held Izuku tighter while she thought about all of this. It could have been anyone, but it had to be her son. Her only son who was too young to be a part of this killing game or even killing in general. He’s only fifteen. 

“We would also like to get him a temporary licence so he can use his quirk if he is in danger. It woul-” Tsukauchi was cut off by Inko speaking up.

“That won't be necessary.” Aizawa and Tsukauchi looked at her like she grew a second head.

“It is necessary. It would help him if he were in trouble ma’am. Not to menti-” Aizawa was now cut off by the woman.

“He doesn't have a quirk.”

Both of the men shut up real quickly as they turn to the boy. He glanced at them before returning his gaze back to everywhere that wasn't them. They knew they couldn't leave the kid defenceless so they would have to get him a weapon or support item.

“We’ll get him a taser or something. He needs a way to defend himself even with self defense training.” Inko was hesitant but nodded to the detective. 

“Izuku I have a few more questions I wanted to ask before we left for the night.” Izuku looked to the detective with an emotion that neither Aizawa or Tsukauchi could distinguish. 

“Could you tell me about your diary? You said it could see the future, right?” Izuku nodded and grabbed the phone to show him.

“My phone gives me a report on things going around as well as giving an analysis on people around me. I think that is because I was already doing analysis since I was younger but I'm not sure. It also tells me details that I don't think others would pay attention to.” Tsukauchi wrote down as much as he could while also trying to think about how to approach this new situation. 

“I forgot another thing with my phone.” All of the adults looked at him with his sudden outburst.

“I forgot to mention one of the other ways you can kill someone. If you destroy or break a diary you also die.” Izuku watched Aizawa look even more done with life with a cup of worry, Tsukauchi wrote down the new information quickly, and his mother grabbed him into another hug so tight that he might actually break his back. Aizawa looked over and drank some of his tea.

“So we also need to get you a protective case. I can get Powerloader to make him a sturdy case.” Tsukauchi nodded at the man before moving onto his next question.

“With the protection, we will be setting up police to watch over the house and keep an eye on you throughout the day. Aizawa can probably do night shifts and we will have police escort you to school everyday. We will be keeping this with minimum information spread. We’ll only be telling certain officers and possibly heroes who can help with this. If we can find who the other players are, we can help give all of them protection. “ They continue discussing this until they move to Tsukauchis last question.

“Lastly, for self defence training, we will need to find where you stand physically and we need to find someone who can give proper training.” Aizawa turned to Tsukauchi and replied “I can teach him.” The detective looked at him with a wary look.

“Are you sure? You are already taking a night shift, shouldn't you rest during the day?” Aizawa shook his head.

“It's fine. It's better if I do it because I can give him the training he needs and teach him techniques and other useful skills that could help him if anything happens.” Tsukauchi nodded and wrote down a couple things on his notepad before he started to put his things away.

“Well keep in contact with you Inko about this as well as any new developments.” Inko exchanged numbers with the pro and detective before they decided to head out. Izuku knew he was forgetting something as he ran to the door and opened it to see Aizawa and Tsukauchi entering the parking lot. 

“Hey.” They both snapped their heads up to him when they heard him.

“Your car still has no gas in it.” Tsukauchi just grabbed his phone while Aizawa sent a thumbs up in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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