Yeah. I'm Second.

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Izuku wasn't sure if he should make tea or coffee. He didn't drink coffee because it tasted really gross but it might be good for the two guests in his living room. He knew that maybe he shouldn't have let them inside his house in case they were liars and fakes but their IDs looked pretty real and his diary said that he wouldn't die or get harmed so he trusted them into his house. He grabbed the boiling pot and poured two cups of black tea. He grabbed the mugs and brought them over to the guests who were now looking around the living room. He ran back quickly to grab the sugar and sat down with the two men looking at him.

The two men sat on one sofa while Izuku took the other. Looking down at the table, he knew that this was going to be a difficult conversation that could land him in jail, a mental institution, or looking like a psycho. The detective cleared his throat which caused Izuku to glance up. They were both staring at him and nudged the book over to him. Izuku looked to the book and thought of his first question.

"Where did you find this?" The dark haired man who looked utterly exhausted looked to him.

"My name is Aizawa Shouta, Pro Hero Eraserhead. Last night I was patrolling around this area when I saw a woman about to get mugged. Before I could get to her, a kid took a hose and sprayed down the guy causing him to run away. I saw the kid was on the roof before he went down to help the woman. I went to watch from where the kid was wondering if he would return back to the roof but I found a notebook labeled "Death Game Analysis." Curiosity killed the cat and I looked in the notebook to find detailed notes about a string of murders that have been on the news and notes that make no sense."

Izuku knew that he would have to tell them about it. It's not like he can deny it when it's facts and all in the notebook. The detective looked over to him but didn't say anything.

"What do you want me to say? I get that you're here for my notebook but you haven't clarified what you would like me to tell you. Also I would like to know your name detective." The detective gave a very faint smile toward him before stating his name.

"My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa. I'm a detective at the police department. We just need you to tell us what the information in this notebook is and how you have all these details on the murders."

Izuku didn't know what to do. Yes he could tell them he is forced into a killing game with fourteen others but they will probably tell him he is insane. What Midoriya failed to realize is that he said that out loud for both the detective and Pro Hero to look worried.

"Kid what do you mean you're in a killing game." Izuku glanced up and knew that he had to actually explain now. He wished he could disappear into the sofa and stop himself from walking up the stairs earlier.

"Um... how do I put this... you probably are not going to believe me so I don't know if it will be worth saying," Izuku said. He saw how the detective lit up a little.

"It's alright Midoriya. My quirk is called Lie Detector. I'll know if you're lying or not." Izuku looked skeptically at him but continued.

"So about a month or two ago, my phone had a change. It wasn't, like a physical but more so that it can tell me parts of the future and analyze people. I didn't fully understand until later that day I was transported to this... not a stage... maybe an arena. Yeah. I was on a platform with about fourteen other people. There's a god. His name is Deus and he is the God of Space and Time and he's been looking for a successor or just someone to take over because he is slowly dying." Izuku was cut off by Aizawa.

"This god has fourteen other players?" Izuku gave a grim look to them.

"There are only eleven now. Three have been killed. One of them was murdered, one of them was killed by police, and the last one by natural cause. That's what Deus told us at least for the last one." The detective perked up.

"You know the other two murders are?"

"The Hero commissions officer from last month was ninth. He killed tenth but was killed by another officer after he witnessed him kill her. We only realized it was them when we were called for a meeting to acknowledge who they were and what happened."

"What do you get when you win?" Aizawa's face was set at a neutral look but he was actually worried for this kid. How did this kid get dragged into this death game?

"When you win, you become the God of Space and Time. I don't know if there is anything else you receive though." Tsukauchi nodded at Izuku.

"How do you win?" This was the question lingering in the two adults' minds.

"Be the last one alive and you become god. Murder the other players so that you are the last one standing." The detective and heroes breath hitched. This was going to be a very difficult case. They both looked to the small child in front of them.

"How did you join the game Midoriya?" Izuku looked Tsukauchi in the eye to tell him.

"I didn't join the game. Like I said, I was forced. I've been paranoid since the game started."

"Do you feel like someone is watching you," asked Aizawa. He wasn't prepared for the next statement.

"Those dead bodies in the news have been a warning to me."

"Don't tell me... you're..." The detective has a worried look painting his face.

"Yeah. I'm Second. I think everyone has a grudge against me because Deus has high hopes that I'm going to win."

Tsukauchi looked at his notes and knew that this kid had to be protected. This isn't something small. The kid's life is in danger.

"Do your parents know?" Aizawa looked up to the kid and saw the sad look.

"No. It's just my mom and she has enough to worry about. I don't think it would be good to worry her about all my issues and my most recent and biggest problem."

"Alright." Tsukauchi put down his note pad and took a sip of the tea. "Here's what we're going to do. First, we're telling your mother. This is very important for her to know about. We can talk about this when she arrives. Second, were putting you under protection. You don't know who the other players are and it's our jobs to keep everyone safe. Third, we're getting you self defense training so that you have a way to at least protect yourself."

Izuku was going to protest, but the looks he was given shut him down immediately. He gave out a big sigh and sank deeper into the sofa. His phone made a faint vibrating noise before going silent. He looked at the phone to read that the car the detective and Aizawa came in will have an empty tank when they leave.

"I'm just giving you a heads up that your car has no gas anymore."

Both the detective and Hero looked confused at the boy. He sat in between them and showed them his phone. He explained that he normally gets updates in a ten to twenty minute time span unless he is in immediate danger or he has a 'Dead end.' They continued to question each other on likes and dislikes until keys were heard unlocking the front door to the apartment.

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