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-credits to my friend for the idea and hope you all enjoy have fun also these are my ships if you don't like then don't read-


~tanjiro's POV~

I wake up feeling a cold breeze hit my body as I laid in bed. When I was finally able to get my eyes adjusted to the light I look over to see inosuke staring out the open window. "What is he doing" I think to myself. Once I get up and walk over to him I see what he is looking at threw the window just as I walk next to him he says "Monjiro! What is that white stuff outside!?!?!" Inosuke says, "That white stuff is called snow" I say as I walk over to put my coat on because of the coldness, as I finish putting my coat on I turn around to see Inosuke gone, 'where is he-' I start thinking to myself until I noticed he must have gone outside, at this moment I was a little worried because he is one of my friends and he could catch a cold out there.

~Inosuke's POV~

'Hm what is this stuff' I think to myself as I crouch on the porch admiring this stuff that Monjiro calls *snow*, as I step in the snow my foot starts to sink a little into the white and it felt cold as I go back on the porch. Right as I start to get use to the snow I start to take more steps into the snow, at this point I'm about..... 10 feet away from the cabin and at this point Monjiro comes out the front door "Inosuke come here" Tanjiro says, I start making my way to the cabin but about 5 feet from where Tanjiro is I stop dead in my tracks as I can start sense a demon near by and it wasn't any demon we have met before.

~Tanjiro's POV~

As I wait on the porch for Inosuke to come over to hand him a coat I see as he stops in his tracks about 5 feet away 'what is he doing' I think to myself just as I think that and look at him again he's not there anymore, as I look around I spot him running into the woods pulling his swords out, at this moment I'm confused but at this moment I start smelling what Inosuke was sensing 'A demon' I thought to myself, just then I just noticed and yelled to Zenitsu and Nezuko that there's a demon and then I start running after Inosuke into the woods and pull my sword out.

~little time skip like a few minutes at this point Inosuke is like 30 minutes away from the cabin fighting the demon while Tanjiro is like 5 minutes away from the cabin trying to rush to Inosuke to help him-

~Inosuke's POV~

"Ugh... AGH!" I cry out from being attack by the demon that turned out to be at least 3 demons and one surprise attacked me from behind while the others distracted me, "oh well, well, well, look at this helpless little demon slayer" One of the demon's said, at this point I was really mad and got up trying to not pay attention to the big cut in my left shoulder and ran up and tried attacking the main demon but missed but I did cut and arm off of the main demon, just as I thought I was getting this under control even more demon's came and attacked me and then I blacked out.

-To. Be. Continued.-
"Oooo drama what do you guys think is going to happen tell in the comments... maybe?"
-word count:598 words-
-word count but with the words I'm writing right now is:638-
Cya next time

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