"Oh good your awake"

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[time skip~] (because I'm bored and have a different idea)

{inosuke's POV}

I started waking up but as soon as I did I felt a sharp pain in my head, I opened my eyes and saw only a ceiling but once I looked around I realized where I was, I was laying in one of the beds in the butterfly estate (sorry if i said it wrong) I decided to look around some more and I saw there was about 3-5 other people in the room but most of them where in the corner, on chasing after a smaller person then the other following the yellow haired, the last 2 people where in front of the bed but then another person walked in.

{Giyuu's POV}

I was talking

to Shinobu about Inosuke's condition when i felt someone was staring, I looked toward the bed and saw Inosuke looking at me/us

"Ah good your awake" I said Looking at Inosuke.

'Water' Inosuke signed.

"Hey tanj's could you get Inosuke some water?" I ask while turning to tanjiro.

"ZENITSU LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE- hm? Oh ya ok" Tanjiro said

[2 minutes later tanjiro was talking to Inosuke after getting him water]⟊

{still giyuu's POV}

I was patching up Zenitsu because he stepped on some broken glass and for some reason it looked like he was focusing on something about to laugh, after i patched him up I decided to leave the rest to shinobou so I went over to a bed in the corner and just sat there drinking some water.

[5 minutes later]

The whole time I was sat there I didn't notice this whole time someone was following me until shinobou let out a quiet chuckle then I looked up and saw what almost made Zenitsu laugh it was because Sabito has been following me and I didn't even realize.

"Why didn't you say something when you came in?" I asked.

"..." Sabito stayed quiet.

"What?" I asked.

"..." he didn't answer again.

"What is it Sabito?" I asked one final time this time getting an answer.

"... It's 1:37 AM" He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes" Sabito said.

"Ok, shinobou we're going to go to bed ok goodnight" I said.

"Ok, Lovebirds" Shinobou said.

"SSSHUT" I said.

Shinobou chuckeled "Ok ok goodnight"

"Night" Sabito said.


Ok so I think that will be it for this chapter hope you liked it sorry if it's short and cringy the next chapter will finally be something that goes with the title of the book bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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