4. steps of becoming a fake couple

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"this isn't working." jungwon sighs out, extremely frustrated. they've been at the amusement park for an hour and a half, hiding behind bushes to 'secretly' watch couples.

so far the only lyric they wrote was, you make me want to throw up as if i was on a rollercoaster.

call them william shakespeare and edgar allan poe.

"you're attitude might be the reason why we can't think of anything." the blonde muttered under his breath while pushing down his shades so he can clearly see an elderly couple picking out matching headbands.

they ended up wearing all black, dark shades, and baseball caps to camouflage with the background, only to do the opposite and stand out completely.

"you're the one who isn't taking this seriously enough." jungwon snapped back.

"not taking this seriously? really yang?"

"you showed up in a cowboy hat and mustache!" riki surprised the frustrated boy by bursting out with laughter. jungwon thought it was a sarcastic laugh to piss him off more but when he turned to look straight at riki, he saw his smiling eyes. the smiling eyes that used to stare at him with love, the smiling eyes that were so familiar.

riki's laugh soon became contagious, causing jungwon to join him. the two probably looked insane but they found each other completely hilarious, a rare thing to come across.

"okay but seriously, we need to change something up because i'm getting nothing from looking at people cuddle in line or lady & tramp black bean noodles." jungwon's laughter died down but a smile was still prominent. riki nodded in agreement while sighing happily from laughing.

"oh, let's try reenacting what everyone has been doing." he suggests.


"i feel like we haven't been able to come up with anything because all we've been doing is watching. we need to feel their love, and the only way is to actually do the things, right?" riki explains to jungwon who hummed along to express his understanding. "let's buy headbands first."

and so jungwon found himself in an elephant headband, that riki picked out himself, while looking for dog ears for his arch nemesis. he only had no idea why he agreed to pretending to be a couple because he knows how it goes.

1. they hate each other

2. they need to date each other to get out of an arranged marriage, to avoid a stalker, because they want to make someone jealous—for whatever reason.

3. they end up developing or resurfacing feelings for each other

4. boom they're a couple

but there was no way jungwon would trust riki again. no way. and yet, here he is looking for s stupid accessory for a stupid someone.

with no luck in finding dog ears, the older settles for a sparkly fedora that looks like something michael jackson would wear so he wants to pick it out. "really yang? are you trying to make me look like an idiot?" riki looked at jungwon skeptical.

"you already look like an idiot." he smiled, although he just straight up insulted riki. the blonde, however, rolled his eyes as a response and refused to try the hat on.

"oh come on, you used to wear this all the time when we were kids." jungwon says without really thinking until he doesn't hear anything from riki.

if jungwon could reverse time and prevent himself from saying anything, it would have to be this. well, and confessing to riki.

to cut the awkward silence short, riki clears his throat and takes the hat to the cash register without a word.

every time that jungwon mentions the past, riki shuts down on him.

love song (didn't know how to write one, until i met you)Where stories live. Discover now