6. polaroid love

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JULY 18th, 2020

he hears the same quiet knocks that have been repeated everyday when it's time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and randomly in between. he knows that his parents just want to check in on him but it's almost been a month and nothing has changed.

it's been 3 weeks and everything is exactly the same.

jungwon is still lying on his bed with covers over his messy hair, still crying after rubbing his eyes until they stopped for a moment, and still heartbroken.

he just misses riki.

the random embraces whenever riki felt the slightest bit cold, their midnight conversations that turn into deep talks about fate and soulmates, or all the subtle touches that soon turned into lovingness.

he misses when riki still looked him in the eye.

but as much of the things that were changed, jungwon doesn't regret telling him how he truly felt. it's just that his feeling weren't reciprocated, that's all.

nevertheless, he can't understand why it turned out like this.

MARCH 30th, 2022 (PRESENT)

"i'm sorry." riki repeats the 36th time since he was let in jungwon's room. it only causes the person he's apologizing too to roll his eyes, with yet another sigh.

"for the last time, i said stop talking to me and don't look at me." even if it was like jungwon was talking with venom in his words, riki smiled.

"why are you smiling like a dumbass?" riki smiled even more, taking a seat on jungwon's office chair and turned to face him, who was sitting criss-crossed avoiding eye contact.

"you're talking to me. it's been like 15 minutes and you haven't said a word until now."

"it's because you're annoying me. my parents are the only reason why you're here in my room, asshole." jungwon used his pretty cat-like eyes to glare at riki, knowing that's when most people knew he was mad. riki should know to, being as they've known each other since they were young. yet, he still smiled, showing off that cute box he created whenever he was genuinely smiled.

god, jungwon missed this.

"leave. me. alone." he says instead. the younger sighs at his failed attempt and retracts from the spinning chair to roam around his old friends room. it was awkward, receiving this side of the pettiness because it's always been riki who had this random anger.

the only way to somehow replace the uneasiness of the silence jungwon returned to was to walk around his room.

it was almost exactly the same, his posters of only marvel heroes because dc movies sucked in his opinion, the plants garden and-oh there's a new one that replaced injang? riki frowns as jungwon's favorite was injang. but the same old record player that only had instrumental versions of soundtracks was still right by his bed with sheets of music because all he wanted to do was to be able to play by ear.

the only thing that was missing was their pictures.

the wall that was filled with polaroids of their daily hangouts or just of jungwon since riki never wanted to be in them, was empty. no posters to hide how plain it was, it was just empty.

it looked sad, and maybe that was because jungwon was sad too.

'how long does food take?' riki ignorantly thinks, never had made any food for himself. it's only because the silence is eating him whole and jungwon not staring at him isn't helping. there's only so much that riki could explore in his room because it's exactly how he saw it 2 years ago.

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