My backstory part 1

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      It was 16 years ago when my life changed. I still remember. I was 10 years old back then. Yeah, my name is Yash. But my story starts before Damon came. That day I was too happy. My little brother and mother came from hospital. He was a new baby. I looked at him. He was sleeping but he was soo cute. He had a big cheek and small hands and legs. I was so happy. My mother and father were respected by everyone. They workshipped Mahadev (Lord Shiva).
      The next day I was playing with him. I think it was around 8 in the morning. But I had to go to school. So I went to prepare but then dad told me that I can skip school today. I was very happy to hear that. Finally I can play with my little brother whole day. Then we were doing breakfast but then someone knocked door.
      I opened the door and I saw our neighbourhood aunty. She was very frightened. She quickly said, " Did you two saw the news? There is a one man floating in sky." "It must be a false news, aunty" my dad said. "No! Watch news" she was very frightened. So my dad started news channel. Then we all saw a man floating there. "My name is Damon and starting from today I am the only God of this universe" the man said and everyone heard it. Like he was using telepathy. I was very frightened. "Yash, go to room and take care of Som" my mom said.
      I quickly went to room to check Som. He was sleeping. I feel relieved that he was all right. But then aunty came on our room. "Are you all, right? Som" she was more frightened. She was sweating more and more. "What happened aunty?" I asked."Your mother and father suddenly went invisible. I can't see them anywhere" aunty said."Tell me it's a lie. Please TELL ME IT'S A LIE" I shouted. I was very frightened by the fact. It was just some time before we were laughing. I thought this will be my most memorable day of my life. It turned out to be true but in a very bad way.
      But then Som started crying because my shouting. My aunty took care of him. I went to hall to find mother and father. But then I was completely devastated by the scene there. I was unable to talk. Tears started coming from my eyes. "Mother, father" were the only words came from my mouth. All I could see was my parents dead body covered in blood. Then aunty came from the room and she was also shocked. She tried to console me. But tears were also present in her eyes. " Where is Som?" I asked her. "He is asleep in his room" she said.
     Then we again hears Damon's voice. "This is the result of opposing me. From today I am the only God and Devil of this universe. I am a good god but I also have a darker side. So don't ever try to oppose me. I am giving you two options. First one is you can stay like a common person and second is you can join my millitary. Those who want will join my millitary will gain special power. But after joining my millitary you can't retire. Commoner will live like a commoner. There will be no currency, no one will own a land or house. I will own everything. I have made a list of works which you can do. Except this list you can't do anything. If new people wanna learn they can learn through books but if they don't they don't need to force themself. I will give you everything but instead of that I will put vines in everyone's room. To see you only sometimes. There will be no communication. You will stay in your city. Also no one will have a name after a god. I am your only God. Change your name if you have. Though I will allow some scholars to go to another city but under my millitary. I will put my clone in every city. He will be your head and you have to follow your orders. I will make a torture centre as from today I am making you immortal. Those who oppose me will go there. Also no one will born and no one can die. I have already killed 2 million people but now I won't. Instead they have to face torture. It will be even worse then death. Accept me as a God and you will live your life peacefully."
       We all heard that voice. It was not only me who was frightened and crying. There would be hardly a person is calm at that situation. The whole world was disturbed. Those who thought that this is prank also were convinced.  But then we all suddenly were in another place. I saw many people. There was no land, no water nothing. Only space. I wouldn't even call it space cause I didn't even saw a star. But this moment last long for only 1 second. Then we all came to a place. There was a big flat land in front of us and forest in back. We all were confused. Though I was still not in perfect state of mind. I was still sad, frightened. But Som wasn't there. I tried to find him. But after some time I found Som in place. There were many children. They all were sleeping. But there was a name plate on all children including Som. His name was Sudhir. I never called him by that name. I always called him Som. That name was given by mother and father. Though no one ever noticed. Cause I never took him to public until he was 12.
        Then we first time saw Damon. "My dear children I hope that you have changed your name if it is after God. I personally name this children. I will create houses here. You have to live here according to conditions I gave you earlier. There is a forest behind and behind forest is another city. I will call this kingdom from now on. But no one can escape this forest. Also if you succeed then there is another Kingdom. There is another me. So stay according to my conditions. Also after 3 days I will choose people who want to join millitary. Also I will help you all in farming."
      But then a couple of voices started to raise against Damon. But he found them out and cut their hands and legs without even touching them. This made me more frightened. I took Som in my hands.
      "It seems you have understood it. Don't worry child I won't do anything to that small kid." Damon said by looking at me. I was still afraid. But then aunty came near me and said that she will take care of me and my brother. After that Damon build houses and everyone went inside. Some were frightened, some were crying and some were planning to take revenge.

Hey guys! What you think of this chapter. Tell me in the comment section. This was written with different style as this whole chapter was a POV of Yash. Also I am thinking that I put this story in wrong section. I put this story under historical fiction and I think that this is the reason why I am not getting more views, votes and comments. So please suggest me which section I should put this story in with reason. I will post new chapter on next Sunday. Till then stay safe and stay healthy.
Thank you so much!
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