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A/U: To clear up a lil' Mattheo and Lorelei don't share any romantic feelings for each other, Mattheo is just a lil' bitch boy who ever thinks things, and Lei is just naturally- sorta flirty.

Hogwarts- a place of home and peace for Lorelei. Smoothing out her skirt, she flicked her gaze at the crowd of people in the great hall, just beginning to find their seats, she didn't stop till she saw the familiar red-head in the crowd of people, he was taking a seat besides Granger, one of Potter's little henchmen. 

'' It's rude to stare y'know. '' Mattheo broke the silence with a mocking tone, as he began his way to the Slytherin table, at the very left of the great hall. 

'' I wasn't staring, merely just a spark of interest came over me. '' Lorelei said with a scoff, quick to defend herself, as she walked behind her friend, picking her pace up too a light jog to keep up with his swift movement. 

Once Lorelei caught up with Mattheo, syncing with his steps as best as she could- there was a noticeable silence between them. Lorelei bit her lip, not sure what she wanted too say- it felt too awkward to leave the silence how it is- but she knew she'd say something stupid like 'So- enjoying the weather?' or 'How's life?'. A wave of relief cascaded onto her as they reached the Slytherin table, their arrival bringing outcries of joy and laughter, no awkward conversation needed when you have big-mouthed 5th years.

'' So Fawley, '' Mattheo said with a click of his tongue, leaning onto the table, a devious look on his eyes, '' Care to tell us about this special Weasley you fancy? '' 

'' A Weasley? Which one? '' Pansy spoke up, her eyebrows raised, a mix of surprise and curiosity lingering in her gaze.

'' Ron? I'm sure not Ginny- she's like a baby.- '' Theodore was the next to speak, his voice didn't have a specific tone too it- but his eyes were clouded with thoughts. 

'' Wrong. It's little Freddie. '' Mattheo said, tilting his head to the side, a smile tugging on his lips. 

'' I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about- '' Lorelei began with an eye-roll '' I'm not even too sure - '' Lorelei was cut off short, following the eyes of her housemates.

Dumbledore. The old fucking geezer. 

'' Oh for christ's sake- '' Lorelei cursed under her breath. She's had her suspicions about Dumbledore, ever since poor Cedric had died whilst participating in the Tri Wizard Tournament last year. His insincere tone and look of boredom in his eyes will always haunt her. 

'' Welcome all, it is so nice to see all of you faces again. '' 

Lorelei narrowed her eyes, ' Looking forward to another spree of killings, and doing nothing about it? ' she thought, but didn't dare to interrupt him.

'' Now, let the feast begin, and may all of you have an exceptionally good year. '' Dumbledore finally finished, after introducing new teachers, and so on. Just listening to his bullshit made Lorelei want to bash her skull in. He talked too slow, the bloke really should just retire.

And with a click of the geezer's fingers, food appeared in front of her. At least he's useful for one thing.  

'' You looked like you were just about ready to rip off Dumbledore's head, Lei, calm down a little. '' Mattheo teased, putting a beautifully grilled chicken leg onto his plate.

Lorelei scratched her collarbone, shrugging in response. She wouldn't deny, nor confirm it.

'' Lei, there's a red head behind you- '' Theodore said,  '' I think, George? I can't really tell, don't really bother enough either- '' He said, his words a little incoherent as his mouth was full of food.

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