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September 1st, 1995

Lorelei bent over her bathroom counter, separating her mascara coated eyelashes, and carefully placed her green and silver striped headband on her head, finger-combing her dark hair to cover the ends of the headband, making sure her faint curtain bangs looked good with the placement of the headband. Hearing the sound of a floorboard creaking, her focus shifted to the tall figure in her doorway. Chiseled jawline, dark, curly hair that sat perfectly, dark eyes that shone brightly, a slit in his eyebrow, ''Salazar's ass, Theo! 'Scared the living shit out of me. '' Lorelei exclaimed, cupping her hands over her chest to exaggerate her words.

Theo tutted, a sarcastic look in his eyes as he frowned, '' Poor little Lei, sounds like someone's stressed, do you need a lil' nap? '' He asked, a smile taking over his face as Lorelei slapped him with a nearby towel.

'' You're timing is actually perfect though- '' Lorelei spoke as she walked by him, placing a teasing hand on his hip with a tiny smirk, '' I needed someone to tell me how I look. '' Lorelei smiled as she finished her sentence, giving a little twirl in her skirt, embroidered with the traditional Slytherin colors. She smoothed out her white dress shirt, a green and silver tie that matched her headband around her neck.

'' Like a fucking hot babe. '' Theo winked, '' I'd hit. '' he added, a hint of amusement in his voice as he spoke.

'' Like you haven't already. '' Lorelei responded, sticking her tongue out at him. And this was true, Lorelei and Theo have hooked up in the past, but they made the boundary clear they wanted to stay friends, it was comforting to know a friend could also be a quick fuck at times.

'' Someone's feeling a little bold. ''

'' Well, it's just the truth, '' Lorelei shrugged, winking at him,

'' Mmh- How can I argue with that '' Theo giggled, tonguing the inside of his cheek, '' We better get going Lei, we might miss the train- '' he responded.

Lorelei shifted her gaze to the small table-top digital alarm clock that resided at her bedside table, the time reading 9:32. '' No we won't- '' Lorelei's sentence was cut off sharply when Theo grabbed on her arm, and both of their appropriately placed luggage, apparating them both to King's Cross Station.

'' For god's sake, Theo! The least you could've done was warn me you were gonna apparate! '' Lorelei hissed, having to hold onto Theo's arm for some support as the dizzy feeling that overtook her after the sudden apparating began to fade.

'' Oh boohoo Lei, it wasn't that bad. '' Theo rolled his eyes, patting Lorelei's shoulder as he grabbed his luggage, and began walking to platform 9 3/4.

'' You wouldn't be saying that if it were you! '' Lorelei called, grabbing her luggage as well as she sprinted to catch up with Theo.

Theo just nodded his head in response, his eyes telling her that he wasn't really taking her seriously. They walked in silence as they reached the pillar that lay in-between of the platforms 9, and 10. Theo motioned for her to go first with his hand, Lorelei nodded in acknowledgement, as she sprinted into the pillar. Her ears were immediately filled with the sound of a trains engine, excited first-years, and parents chattering amongst each other. The train platform was always one of her favorite parts of the journey to Hogwarts, it was one of the only places where the houses merged, and actually enjoyed each others company. A force that pushed her forward from behind her brought her back to reality, whipping around. There stood a tall, equally as surprised man with tawny hair, as Lorelei examined the man, his gaze, the way his jaw clenched, holy fuck- this bloke was fine. Lorelei opened her mouth to talk, but before she could even get a noise out, the man beat her to it.

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