The Meeting

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Casta wakes up and finds Shadow lying on her chest, she then realizes what's going on and slowly gets up.

"Shit, I can't keep doing this, I'm going to start catching feelings", Casta thought.

"Good morning, um Casta right, that is your name", Shadow asks.

"My name is Castaspella but people call me Casta here", Casta says with a smile. "So how are you feeling", Casta asks.

"Better, my heads a little sore but nothing to serious", Shadow says.

"That's good, Shadow....I mean Light Spinner Oh Fuck", Casta says.

"What did you call me, Shadow who is that?", Shadow asks.

"Umm, Ok It's better I tell you now then later", Casta says with disappointment.

Casta starts explaining the situation that their in, and why everyone hates her and other stuff.

"OH NO, How could I have let that happen, Etheria is my home", Shadow says as tears fall from her eyes.

Shadow suddenly gets up and walks towards the mirror, Casta tries to stop her but she's to late.

"What, my face", Shadow says as she cries even harder and touches her face.

"Hey you look beautiful, your scars tell your story, this is actually the first time I've ever seen your face properly", Casta says as she cups Shadow's cheek.

"Thank you", Shadow says as she looks away.

"So how's it going", Adora asks as she walks through the door.

Casta quickly puts her hand down and Adora lifts her eyebrow.

"I won't ask about what I saw, anyways how is she", Adora asks.

"Why don't you ask her yourself", Casta says.

Adora walks up to Shadow and hugs her. "I missed you", Adora says.

Shadow stood there confused. "Umm yeah, I missed you too, Adora is it", Shadow says.

"Her memory is still gone isn't it", Adora says.

"Yeah", Casta says.

"Sorry Shadow, I just got excited, you're like a mother to me, I just... I'm sorry", Adora says.

"Hey it's ok, I bet once my memory comes back I'll remember you", Shadow says.

"Yeah, Ok that's not why I am here, King Micah has asked you both to come to Brightmoon, he wants to see Shadow ", Adora says as she sighs.

"What for", Casta asks worryingly.

"I'm not sure, but he was pretty pissed when he told me to came and get her", Adora says.

"Ok we'll get ready and I'll teleport us to Brightmoon", Casta says.

Adora leaves the room.

"Ok Shadow, I must warn you the people you will see in that room will be very mad at you, and Micah is not a kid anymore, he is a King and he has a daughter, so please try and answer the questions, I believe in you", Casta says.

"Ok Casta, I'll try", Shadow says as she looks down in embarrassment.

Casta and Shadow walk out and go through the sorcerers hall, Shadow looks to the side and sees her light spinner statue burnt.

"I must've been a monster for this to happen", Shadow says.

"Ignore it, come on lets go", Casta says as she holds Shadows hand and leads her to the lunarium.

Shadow stops for a while, she starts to get a headache.

"I remember this place, something terrible happened, something that wasn't supposed to happen", Shadow says.

Casta quickly drew the teleportation spell.

"Come on Shadow, I'll explain what happened later", Casta says as she holds Shadows hand.

"Ready", Casta asks.

"Ready", Adora says.

They all appear outside the meeting room.

"Good luck", Adora says.

She opens the door and they see everyone sitting around the meeting table.

"Welcome, now that our guests are here, shall we discuss why we have called this meeting", Micah says.

"I would be more then glad to Micah", Casta says.

"Were here to discuss on Shadow Weaver and what to do with her", Micah says.

"No we're not. she's not an item that you could just toss away if you don't like it", Casta says as she closes her fists.

"Oh but I'm the king dear sister, I could banish her to beast island if I wanted to, just like she banished me", Micah says.

"You may be the king of Brightmoon, but I'm the head sorceress at Mystacor and currently Shadow is under my care", Casta says.

"I sent you to Beast Island I'm sorry", Shadow says.

"Save it", Micah says.

"What are you thinking Casta, she's a murderer, a manipulator, an abuser, and a liar", Catra says.

"I think she needs a second chance, just like you got one Catra", Casta says as she raises one eyebrow.

"STOP, I can't deal with the fighting, it's making my head sore, and I think I'm starting to remember a little bit", Shadow says.

"Micah, she's under my supervision, you have no rule over her", Casta says as she grabs Shadow and walks out.

"If you walk out those doors with her don't bother coming back", Micah says.

Casta stops she turns around shows him the middle finger then exits the room.

Casta takes Shadow back to Mystacor.

Casta gets a spare bed set up in her room.

"If you'd like you could study a bit and help teach the students", Casta says.

"I think they'll be scared of me, I mean look at my face", Shadow says.

"I am looking at your face and your fucking gorgeous", Casta says as she cups Shadow's cheek.

"Ok I'll do it", Shadow says.

"Yay, I'll get you the spell books", Casta says as she exits.

Casta exits and thinks to herself "This woman may have hurt Micah, but she has changed, I feel nervous around her".

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