the guest

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'sure,' he said, smiling.

ranboo's pov

'hmm, what do you usually eat?' Tommy asked.

'i'll eat almost anything really,' i replied, following Tommy downstairs to his kitchen. i sat down on an armchair in the living room, waiting for Tommy to finish making our breakfast. i looked around the room, trying to distract myself. the room was a light shade of olive green and there's a sofa right next to the chair i was in which was covered in three white pillows. that's probably where i'm going to sleep, it looks comfortable enough.

'Ranboo, breakfast is ready,' Tommy said, walking over to me while holding 2 plates which had weirdly shaped things on top.

tommy's pov

'what are those?' Ranboo said, eyeing the waffles as if he'd never seen them before, which, to be fair, he probably hadn't. 

'these are waffles, try them,' i replied, chuckling a bit when he picked one up warily. 

'this is the best thing i've ever had,' Ranboo said, gobbling down the food as fast as he could.
[author: waffle supremacy]

-like 30min later-

'so, Ranboo, one of my friends are coming over today, and he's like a brother to me. would you trust him with what you are?' i asked.

'if you trust him, then, i guess i will too,' Ranboo said, smiling at me.

ranboo's pov

we spent most of the day just unboxing a lot of Tommy's items. after about 3 hours, all of the boxes were gone. all of the boxes in Tommy's new room were now replaced with a large wooden table and a gaming set up, which was apparently for his 'streaming'.
he explained that streaming was basically doing whatever you want in front of a lot of people who you may or may not know.

'someone just texted me,' Tommy said, pulling out a rectangular box out from his pocket. he started moving his thumbs around to different parts of the box quickly which confused me.

i moved behind him to see what he was doing and it looked like he was pressing buttons that had letters on them, forming sentences. after he had pressed a button with an aeroplane on it, about a few seconds later, a different sentence popped up. i looked to the top-left of the box which had a word, or rather a name, on it.

'Will- Wilbur' i said.

'yes, the person i'm texting is my friend, Wilbur,' Tommy replied.

he must have saw the confusion on my face because he then explained that the box he was holding was called a 'phone' and that 'texting' is like a more advanced yet easier form of writing letters. though i still don't understand why humans won't write letters, it's not even difficult. 

'Wilbur says he's coming over soon,' Tommy then said, still looking down at his phone.

'oh, okay then,' i said, smiling.

-wilby's arrival because i can-

wilbur's pov

i knocked on the door, looking at my phone. Tommy had said that he has a 'friend' over and i've been wondering who it could be. Jack's out shopping with Niki, George has a date with Dream, and Phil doesn't really count as a friend because he's more of a father. 

the door was opened by a familiar blonde, but revealed an unseen face.

'who are they?' i asked.

'this is my new friend, Ranboo,' Tommy replied, looking very proud of himself.

'h-hello' Ranboo said.
this Ranboo guy looked relatively nice, ignoring the skin tones, hair colour, eyes and- is that a tail?

'come in, please,' Tommy said.

i walked in rather calmly, considering there was a non-earthly being in the same room. i wasn't actually scared of Ranboo, just confused. if Tommy considers him a friend, i'll do my best to treat him as if he were family.
Tommy and Ranboo then both explained how and why Ranboo was here. sure, i was shocked, but it wasn't really that big of a deal. so what? Ranboo isn't human, but he still has feelings. i won't discriminate, especially if it's about something he isn't in control of.

'so, Ranboo, what are your intentions with my baby brother?' i asked, ignoring the raging blonde seated next to me.

ranboo's pov

'so, Ranboo, what are your intentions with my baby brother?' 

how am i supposed to answer that exactly?
'uh- i guess to be good friends with Tommy,' i replied.

'just friends?' wilbur asked, staring at me in an almost intimidating way.

'aHAHA, well then, will, i think maybe we should go ahead and stream, i think chat will be excited about our meetup,- and Ranboo if he's up for it,' Tommy cut in quickly, a reddish tint showing on his cheeks. 

Tommy and i stood up, walking towards the stairs, Wilbur not too far behind us. 

soon, Tommy's computer had been set up. i sat down on my seat, positioning myself a bit further away from both Tommy and Wilbur so that i wouldn't be seen on camera.

'HELLO THERE, BOYS,' Tommy shouted. 
i flinched at the sudden noise but soon relaxed again after Wilbur patted me on the back.

i looked at the 'chat' and they were spamming about Wilbur being there. some, however, were confused on who Wilbur had patted and started questioning about it.

'alright. chat, settle down, please,' Tommy said. 'today, we have a new guest.'

'h-hi, everyone,' i said, smiling, then realising that no one could see me and blushing slightly. 

'our guest is called Ranboo, please be nice to him. he's also camera shy, by the way, so he won't be shown throughout this whole stream.' Tommy said, looking at me.

'the stream was extremely fun, more fun than i thought it would be. hopefully, Tommy will let me join in on his streams more often,' Ranboo thought.

tommy's pov

'bye, Wilbur,' i said. it was 9pm already, and Ranboo looked really tired. he had actually fallen asleep on the chair, leaning against the wall for support.

i closed the front door and walked upstairs back to my room. Ranboo looked really uncomfortable and i was way too lazy to carry him back downstairs to the couch, so i just moved him over to the bed. the bed was big enough for both of us anyways so i didn't really mind.

after turning off the lights, i plopped myself onto the bed, giving some distance between Ranboo and i.

'g'night, Ranboo'

1035 words

hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry for taking so long to upload.

btw, be safe and drink lots of water.
love y'all <3

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