Chapter 5

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“28, 29, 30. Ready or not, here I come!” Shelly shouts as she turns and runs out into the dark hallway and runs up to the stairs, onto the second floor. She checks all the rooms, being as silent as possible, but no one is there.

On the third. No one there too.

Fourth floor. Still no one there

When she goes onto the fifth floor, she is out of breath, so she sits down in one of the classrooms, trying to turn on the light,

“Wait, that would be cheating.” She mumbles to herself, and props herself down onto the chair nearest to the door.

After a few minutes, she can see a solute walking past! However, when she walks out of the classroom, it’s not there!

‘Don’t be stupid’ she thought ‘probably just my imagination’ Shelly run up the stairs leading to the sixth floor and checks all the rooms. No one there too! She does the same to the seventh eighth and ninth.

On the tenth floor, she walks slowly and opens one classroom. No one. She walks quickly to the other classrooms, but no one is there either. That is when she is about to run up the stairs, when she notices a classroom behind her with its door closed.

“How?” she asks herself confused, “Didn’t I check all the classrooms. Oh well, must have missed that one.” Shelly walks down the corridor and opens the door of the classroom. It’s isolated and so silent, that she feels herself shiver. This time she decides to ask if anyone is in there, because normally people make a noise when they know your nearly there.

“Anyone here?” No answer. She walks around, looking behind computers, doors, chairs and under tables. No one. Just as she is about to leave the classroom, she feels something under her foot. Something soft but cold. She kneels down to pick it up, but she cannot. That is when she realizes it’s not a something, it’s a someone. She walks to the light and tries to switch it on, but she cannot. The light broken. It’s no use. Instead, she walks back towards the person and says,

“Found you.”

But the body does not move.

“Come on. Get up.” At that moment, she realizes the persons face is facing the floor. Again, anyone would do that to try to hide their smile. Anyone.

She turns the head over.

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