CHAP 6: Hello, Stranger

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Holiday Inn Hotel,
New York City.

Joanna took her every step one by one, examining the empty corridor towards the hotel's main hall. Walking inside the hotel knowing that there are three armed men with hostages is like walking into your own death. Especially when she decided to take off the bulletproof vest and sneak inside the hotel without a gun. 

Since the abductor had not made any contact with them yet, Joanna decided to take the matter into her own hands. Since she is already walking towards the hotel's main hall, Joanna looks at the CCTV that is put just above the main entrance of the hall. The CCTV is broken. They shot it. They must have already shot all the CCTV inside the main hall.

"Okay, here we go." She says to herself, taking a deep breath. She suddenly feigned her own fall on the corridor's floor, to attract the abductor.

"Aww!" She whines, realizing that someone is walking towards the hotel's main hall door.

Joanna whines even louder, realizing that someone is opening the door a little and peaking at her. "Fuck!" She claims she was trying to stand up. Just as she was faking it, checking her unharmed legs, one of the abductors came towards her.

"Hands up!" The man yells, coming towards her with guns pointing in her direction. Joanna tries to calm herself. Even though she is a highly trained FBI agent, this is her very first real encounter with someone who would shoot at her in a second.

"Oh my god!! Please don't kill me!!" She says, dramatically, with both of her hands is in the air. The man is currently checking her, if she has any guns with her. The other man come out, standing at the door while waiting for his friend to check on Joanna.

"Please don't kill me! I'm just a guest at this hotel. Please! " Joanna is currently putting on her brilliant show, shedding tears on her face. Just as the man can't find anything on her, he shakes his head towards the other man that was standing at the door.

"All clear." He claims.

"Good. Bring her in. " The other man commands

"Please! Please don't kill me! " Joanna dramatically begs, as the man drags her inside the hall.

Just as she is inside the hall, Joanna's eyes immediately examine the situation. It was exactly like what the NYPD officer said, there were three of them, fully armed. Joanna's eyes focus on the two hostages. It was a lady and a man. The lady is currently sitting on the chair, with her chest going up and down. She must have been scared all this time, captured by the abductors. Joanna then looks at the man. He is also sitting on the chair with his back on her.

"Sit down." The man who had just dragged her order and pushed her hard on the floor. The lady gasps in horror. Joanna groans. Her hand hurts a little due to the sudden impact of supporting her body when that man pushed her to the floor.

"Ouch! Can you at least be nice? I am a civilian and fucking unarmed. " Joanna hissed. This man will surely pay for his actions later on. And as Joanna is not really the calm type, all this acting as a civilian thing might blow off at any minute now. Her voice makes the other hostages to turn his backs to her and look at her.

Joanna's eyes become wide upon seeing the other hostages. Ian... She thought to herself. It's the stranger that she met at the club, and the one that she had a one-night stand with.

"Fuck." She whispers to herself, with her eyes still on him. He is freakishly good-looking. Those well-built muscular body of him looks damn hot on those black shirt that he wear right now.

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