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"Yes Cali." I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"That lady I don't like is downstairs talking to my daddy. Tell her go away."

I got out the bed and went to see what she was talking about. I walked downstairs and Harlem and Toya was standing there staring at eachother.

"Go play." I told Cali. She walked off. "What's going on?" I asked standing next to Harlem. Toya rolled her eyes.

"This ain't none of ya business."

"Harlem is my husband so therefore whatever is his business is as well as mine."

"She lost the baby Zacori." I looked at her and I wanted to bust out laughing. I bit my lip. I can't say I had anything to do with it because honestly I wasn't worried about the bitch.

"Ain't shit funny bitch."

"You're situation doesn't involve us so what you here for? Need money for the funeral? What?"

"That was his child."

"We don't know that and I guess we could never find out so good bye." I said trying to shut the door.

"Chill out Cori." I looked at Harlem like he done lost his damn mind.

"What else do y'all have to talk about?"

"Can you just move right now."

"No the fuck I cannot. She can leave like I said. Sorry for your lost now good bye. You and my husband are over and done with so don't come here looking for comfort. Go find your baby daddy." I said and shut the door this time.

"You fucking crazy." Harlem looked at me and chuckled. I shrugged and walked away.


"You ok?"

"Eh I guess. I'm aight." I told Zacori.

"How you feel?"

"Its sort of like a bitter sweet situation. It's sad the mothafucka died but it's good that I possibly wouldn't be having a child by another woman." She laughed.

"Why you call it a mothafucka?"

"Damn I ain't mean to." We both laughed.

"You ain't shit." She said sitting on my lap.

"You too damn big for this shit, get up."I laughed. She wasn't heavy at all. Her little thick ass.

"Stop." She said wrapping her arms around me. We were sitting in the living room.

"Guess what." I said rubbing my hand along her thigh.


"I signed with Adidas. I'm going be a designer for them."

"Congratulations. I know how much you talked about doing that one day."

"Yea thanks. All my money going be legal baby."

"It better be. No more trap shit." She said looking at me.

"No more trap shit. I promise."

"Now give me a kiss." She said puckering her lips. I chuckled and leaned down giving her a kiss.

"I love you big head ass." I said chuckling and squeezing her thigh.

"I don't have a big head, but I love you more annoying ass." She said. I moved my hand up further along her thigh and squeezed it. "You better stop before we fuck around and have sex on this couch."

"Get a room!" Z yells.

"Shut the fuck up." I tell him. Zacori popped me.

"Don't talk to my son like that."

"You always talk to him like that."

"I can do that." That ain't right.


"Where you going?"

"Outside." I told my mother.

"Go ahead ugly. And ya ass better be back in here before 12."

"Ma I am near grown."

"Right. You near it so that means you're not it."

I groaned and left out. I hopped into my new gray Benz that my parents got me for my birthday.

"What's up?" I answered my phone.

"Hey baby where you at?" Kammae said through the phone.

"I just left the house so I'll be there in a few."

"That's means a few more hours." I laughed.

"No it doesn't. You miss daddy?"

"Boy shut the fuck up wit ya young ass talking about daddy." She laughed.

"I know that's what you call me though when I'm deep inside that-"

"Ard Zaire shut up." I laughed.

"That's what I thought, but I'll see you in a few." I said as I pulled up to Jamal house.

"See you later then baby."

"Stop that pouting shit and I'll see you." I said then hung up.

I cut my car off and got out locking it behind me. I walked up to his door and knocked. He opened it a few seconds later.

"What's up bro." I said dapping Jamal.

"What's up." He shut the door and I walked into the kitchen seeing his mother.

"Hey Ms. Monica." I said taking a seat at the counter.

"Hey Zaire. How are you?"

"I'm good. I'm bout to chill with Jamal for a little."

"Come ya ass on Z."

"Watch ya fucking mouth Jamal."

I chuckled and walked out the kitchen. We went up to his room to play the game and chill for a little until I make my way to Kammae house.


Mmmh what y'all think?

Y'all most definitely need to vote and comment on this chapter until I post another one. I know y'all been waiting for this.

Did y'all peep what I did there?

I didn't mean to offend anyone on this chapter, sorry if I did. It is a book and they are characters.

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