•Brian O'Conner•

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   Packing her 'to go' bag, Y/N knew it was only a matter of time before she gets a call. Between knowing her friends and after watching the news, Y/N could feel in her bones that she's would be getting 'The Call'.

   There was never a dull moment with her friends. Whether it's breaking the law to working with the law, there was no storage of missions that you were pulled in on.

   After finishing the bag, placing the straps over her shoulder, Y/N gazed one more time around her apartment. The dreadful feeling of not knowing if she's going to make it back home, heaving her mind. It wasn't a live-or-die mission, it was a welcome back with open arms or having to spend years on the run again.

   Her friends weren't necessarily criminals, just petty theft from L.A. That more often than not seemed to get caught up in the grand scheme.

   Reaching to turn the lights off, Y/N smiles to herself. It was a sad smile. Making her way to her black R34 GTR Nissan Skyline, Y/N puts her bag on the backseat, before turning the engine on.

Ring. Ring.

   Grinning to herself, she knew this was it. The call she was waiting for. While adrenaline seeped through her veins, she answered the phone.


   There was a chuckle on the other end. "How've you been, Y/N?" Roman.

   Rolling her eyes, the corner of her mouth lifted into a soft smile. "Where's the mission, Pearce?"

   "Damn girl, it's always business with you and no pleasure, huh?" Giggling she shook her head, even though Roman couldn't see her. "The location, Roman."

   After a few seconds, this time serious, he answered. "Brazil."

   "Now that's what we're talking about! I shouldn't have expected less. On my way."


31 hours later.

   Pulling in the garage, Y/N noticed that she's the last one to show up. She could tell, the others were here for a day or two before her. Your heart begins to beat rapidly at the thought of your friends. Y/N put in the park and got out of her car, seeing everyone staring at her. Vincent was the first one to break the silence.

   "Look who finally decided to show up!" Vince's voice teased, almost tackling Y/N to the ground.

   Smiling, she allows him to pull her into a warm hug. "Shut up, Vince. How's your wife and the kid?"

   "They are alright. What about you?" He responded. One of his hands cradled the back of her head, while the other was wrapped firmly around her waist.

   "I'm fine," Y/N responded. Unwrapping himself from her, he allowed the rest of the team their turn in greeting her. One by one, Y/N was greeted by everyone except for one person. Spiking of the devil. Brian.

   Gazing at him, he sent Y/N a toothy smile, before pulling her in for an embrace. One, that nobody else had given her. Wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, Brian eliminated any remaining space between you. Lacing her arms around his shoulders, slightly Y/N was nuzzled in Brian's neck, his cologne invading her senses. Standing there, wrapped in each other's arms, it was as if they were the only two in the universe. The warmth he radiated caused Y/N to let out a content sigh, a sense of security washed over her.

   "I've missed you." He whispered into her hair. Y/N just grinned in his neck, mumbling a reply. Unfortunately, the embrace was broken by Roman. "If you love birds are done canoodling, we have a job to do."

   She didn't have to see him, she knew he had a sly smirk on his face. Groaning, Y/N reluctantly withdrew herself from Brian, but the feeling of him tightening his arms around her didn't go unnoticed.

   Standing beside her friends, everyone had their attention on the screen before them. Tej was speaking about the high-tech cameras while Han was pointing out the need for speed. While they were trying to find multiple solutions for the mission, Brian stood beside Y/N, every time he got a chance Brian would brush against her causing a smile to appear upon Y/N's lips.

   "We're going to need some cars," Dom spoke, turning his gaze to Y/N and Brian.

   "I know a guy." She nodded, getting up she asks Brian. "Are you coming?"


   "You guys are ready?" Dom questioned, grinning at Brian, once he pulled into the Rio street race.

   "Is that even a question?" Y/N giggled. "Come on, boys."

   Exiting the car, Y/N gazed around the cars and people around her, it was similar yet different to the ones in L.A. The sight reminded her of where she was and what she was doing. It was not a pleasant feeling.

   "Hey, you okay?" Brian noticed her sudden change of emotions. His expression was etched with one of concern.

   "Hm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Y/N responded with a grin.

   Passing some people, Y/N finds her guy standing near a nice car, girls all drooling over him. I mean his money.

"Hola, old friend!"

"Hey, Queenie!" He embraces me in a hug.

   "You know that's not my name!" She teases him back.

   "Alright, alright. What are you doing here, you said you're not in this business anymore." He says, noticing Dominic Toretto and Brian O'Conner. They were both glaring at the guy. Mostly Brian.

   "We need cars and fast," Y/N responded. "You know, money is not a problem." She added, holding up five stacks of cash.

   "Look, I'm giving you the cars but on one condition, I want to do a race with one of the golden boys over there." The guy says, nodding to the two men behind me. "If they win, I'm giving you ten cars free. The best cars I have. If not then you'll pay double of how much money you have in your hands." He finished.

   "Alright," Y/N responded, holding her hand out, shaking it firmly. "Let me just consult with my friends real quick and we can begin the race."

   "Okay, so you heard the guy, who's racing?" She asks, looking at both of them.

   "I'm racing." Responded Brian instantly, not even giving Dom a chance of thinking about an answer.

"That's perfect." She says.

   Once the two of them were in their cars and ready, Y/N goes to Brian's car window and whispers in his ear. "If you win and I know you will after we finish the mission we can go on a date. What do you say, champion?"

"Hell yeah." He responds. As Y/N goes aside, a girl comes up to stand in the middle of the two cars.

   The girl points to Y/N's friend saying. "Ready."

   Then she points to Brian. "I know you're ready."

   Looking between the two cars, she points forward, yelling. "Go!"

   The two cars are off with Brian at the lead. Y/N doesn't worry, she knows he's gonna win. She steps into the car with Dominic, speeding to the finish line. There were already people waiting for the winner. Y/N parks the car, getting out of the car she looks around, no sign of Brian.

   Soon enough, Brian is first to appear in the view with the guy on his tail. But at the finish line, Brian arrived first. He stepped out of the car, tossing the keys at Dom, he goes to Y/N and he kissed her. With so much passion, they didn't hear the cheering of the others, nor the annoyed guy who lost. They were in their little world.

   "Wow." They say at the same time. "I did not doubt that you wouldn't win," Y/N added, caressing Brian's cheek.

   "A bet is a bet." Y/N's old friend interrupted the moment, handing all ten keys to Brian. "Well, he is a legend. Please, take good care of my friend."

   "Oh, I will."

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