*Brian O'Conner*

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   Y/N woke up in the early hours of the morning when the sky was just beginning to turn a deep, hazy shade of blue. She found herself laying in an awkward position, half on her stomach with her hand hanging over the edge of the bed. Emitting a faint, sleepy groan, Y/N slowly rolled over, allowing a smile to grace her lips as she laid eyes on the man who slept on her left.

   Brian was laying on his back, languid sighs falling from his lips every now and then. She shifted sideways and curled up against his side, resting her head on the smooth skin of his bare chest.

   Brian stirred slightly and, with a tender murmur of her name, placed his hands gently on the small of her back. Barely awake, he traced circles on her skin with his thumb, lulling both of them back into a peaceful slumber.


   The next time you woke up, the sun had risen, bathing the room in a mellow orange glow. Y/N's legs were tangled with Brian's and somehow, she'd reached across to loosely intertwine her fingers with his. His lips ghosted her forehead, while his nose nudged against her hairline. His right hand still pressed against her back, constantly holding Y/N close to him. 

    She blinked slowly and moved her head a little until it rested comfortably underneath Brian's chin. Y/N began to pepper kisses over the side of his neck, smiling as he hummed quietly, her affectionate movements starting to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open and his lips turned in an adorable, drowsy smirk as he noticed Y/N, already awake and snuggled up to him.

   After a few minutes, Brian sat up slightly, using his elbows to prop himself up. She whined quietly as her comfortable position was disturbed and he chuckled, before carefully grabbing her Y/N's hips and pulling her on top of him. She placed her legs on either side of his waist, straddling him; not in a sexual nature, though. She just wanted to stay close to Brian. Still smiling, he sweetly brushed a rogue strand of hair away from Y/N's face, tucking it behind her ear. His hand lingered and cupped her jaw, tilting your head up until her eyes met his. Her gaze soon flickered down to her lips and she leaned forward slightly to kiss him, softly and slowly, but as lovingly as ever. 

    When Y/N pulled away, Brian immediately drew her back in for another kiss. Neither of them could get enough of each other and they savored the rare times like these, just the two of them together, alone and peaceful. It was rare, in her walk of life, that she got a moment to relax and take in the fact that she wasn't dead yet.

 Brian and Dom tended to get involved with many bad people, even though they were only trying to do the right thing – well, most of the time they were. They all ended up being dragged into the disputes that Brian and Dom had caused. It was surprising that no one had died yet, because weapons were involved and usually it was their group getting shot at.

   "Morning, babe," Y/N murmured, her hands toying with Brian's hair. He chuckled with a lazy smile on his face. 

   "Morning, sweetheart," he greeted in response with his husky morning voice shining through.

    She reached her hand up to rest on her boyfriend's stubbly cheek "For once, we might have a day where no one needs us." Y/N commented.

   He chuckled at her words. "Sweetheart, please, people always need us." he reminded her.

   Y/N rolled her eyes at him "It's nice to not be summoned, to go and settle something though." she countered.

   Brian moved her hand from his cheek and intertwined their fingers together "Knowing our luck, the phone will go and it'll be Roman saying he's screwed up, again." he suggested.

   She laughed and shook her head "If anyone gets into trouble 'accidentally', it's bound to be Rome." she explained, causing a frown to appear on his face at the nickname.

   "Wait, why does Roman have a nickname?" he asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"I gave everyone in the team a nickname. Wa-wait, are you jealous of Roman? No way!" she laughed so hard, at the end she was on the verge of tears.

   "What? Noo!" Brian exclaims. 

  "Alright, I believe you." Y/N decided that it was time to get up and have some breakfast. Leaving Brian in bed, she climbed out and shrugged on one of Brian's button-up shirts.

   She heard Brian laugh from his spot on the bed, so she turned to face him, only seeing a teasing smirk on his face "You gotta stop stealing my clothes Baby." he stated. "'Cause I won't have any left soon." he continued, a smile graced his face. 

Y/N giggled a little as she finished buttoning up the shirt. "You can't deny it O'Conner," she stated as she began to walk towards the door 

   "You love it when I wear your clothes!"

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