The New Teacher

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Hecate was walking through the hall after she had finished her lunch. It was half way through the summer break and she had decided to stay at Cackles as she had really nowhere else to go, except Pippa, but she was on a holiday with her family.

She had gotten bored and Ada had paperwork to finish in her office. Besides, the rhythmic sound of her heels clicking on the floor was calming. A reassurance that she was still here and alive.

As she was walking, she could see someone trying to transfer into the room and her guard went up. What if Agatha had somehow survived? Countless similar questions ran through her mind faster than she could comprehend. Soon it was too late as the transfer was already complete. Out stepped at woman who radiated traditional witch energy.

This woman had chestnut brown hair that was tied into a messy bun. Green eyes that stood out due to her pale, almost ghostlike, skin which had lightly dusted freckles. She wore only a lip gloss, no eyeshadow or lipstick or blush. Maybe there was mascara, it was hard to tell with the rather large hat that shadowed some of the woman's face.

She wore a long garment. Similar to a robe. It had a sash like belt which tied at the side and held the robe closed to protect against the cold. The robe itself was a plain black, the sash was grey as well as the trim around the sleeves and neckline. She also wore black gloves, only made of a thin fabric, which hecate assumed were more a fashion choice.

"who are you?" the question had already slipped out before Hecate had the idea to make it sound less accusatory. "Lady Wicked, and you?" her voice was quite rough and quiet at the same time, gravel was the only comparison that seemed fitting. "Miss Hardbroom, Deputy head and Potion's mistress." the pride was prominent in her voice. She would deny the fact that her chest puffed out slightly until her last dying breath. Still there was a question on Hecate's mind that was dying to be asked.

"If you're a lady wouldn't that make you?" The woman smirked silently at the implied ending to that question. "yes, I am part of the magic Council." Hecate was taken aback at the obvious pride in the woman's tone.

A slight pause for Hecate to regain her thoughts. "I was not aware there was a visit planned for today." the woman chuckled slightly. "there isn't, could you direct me toward Miss Cackles office." Hecate was filled with questions now. "why?" The lady moved her bag from her side to infront of her to gain a better vantage point to find whatever she was looking for. "I have a request for her from the great wizard himself." she took out a scroll from her bag.

Hecate looked through the scroll.

She was one of them.

Hecate took her from winding corridor to corridor until they ended up on the other side of the school and in front of Ada'soffice. Once Hecate knocked quite sharply on the door twice, they heard a soft 'come in' and entered into the warm and cosy room.

Ada's eyes immediately landed on the woman as she stepped towards the desk. She turned to her deputy with a look of question as she noticed how she stood by the door instead of next to her chair. "Hecate, who is this?" the woman rolled her eyes, of course no one knew who she was. She put on a professional facade.

"Well met Miss Cackle, I am Lady Wicked." shock fell over Ada's face. "Lady? Are you?" The lady let out a noise similar to a sigh. "yes, I am a member of the council." Ada slightly jumped in her chair before placing a smile on her face directed at the stranger. "oh! I wasn't expecting an inspection or visit." the women chuckled slightly.

"I can assure, this is neither." She walked toward Ada's desk and placed the scroll down in front of her. Once ada looked it through throughly she turned to the lady with disbelief. "you are part of the program?" the woman's demener changed quite suddenly, though both teachers found it understandable.

The lady kept her hands infront of her, finding the seams of her gloves rather interesting, while explaining her predicament. "yes, I was deputy headmistress of Wormwoods and they weren't sure if I was brainwashed like the other staff so they sent me away from the others to this school."

Ada assessed the woman infront of her with her eyes for a few moments
"so, The Great Wizard would like you to work here as the new French mistress?" The lady nodded. "he thinks it beneficial that the girls learn a second language." ada held nothing but curiosity in her tone while she spoke. "Why were you sent here, now?" the stranger took off her hat and held it in front of her with both hands. The gesture revealed her face and slightly flushed cheeks properly.

The woman thought for a few moments before giving a rather concerning answer. "He wanted me to see what a non-abusive work environment is like." Ada's face fell while this woman looked down. "sorry if it's a sensitive topic, but did you say abusive?" The lady shifted rather uncomfortably in her spot. "it's not important right now." Ada looked concerned at the woman and hecate felt a twinge deep in her gut.

Ada tried to brush it off but everyone could feel the heaviness that that single sentence brought to the conversation. "never mind that dearie, Hecate could you show..." Ada looked at her. "sorry, what's your first name?" the stranger looked at Ada perplexed. "uh... Regina. Why?" it was Ada's turn to be perplexed.

"is it bad that I want to call you by your first name?" Regina looked concerned. "why would you want to?" ada chuckled nervously. "I want to not be so formal with you. What did you teachers call each other?" Regina spoke as if it were a normal thing in every school. "we were only allowed to call each other by Mistress and then their last name, we were never allowed to call each other by our first names." Ada and I shared a look.

Ada tried to lift the heaviness with a distraction. "anyway, Regina." She flinched. "Hecate will show you around." Regina was relieved to finally be able to leave this conversation "thank you." Hecate's curiosity had finally gotten the best of her. "one thing, how old are you?" best to make sure they were a similar age, just encase. "42, why?" Hecate slightly smiled. "no reason, follow me please." She was just two years younger than Hecate.

They started walking through the castle and Regina was silent as she walked slowly behind Hecate. "you don't have to walk behind me. You are capable of walking next to me." She looked shocked before matching Hecate's pace.

Showing Regina around was easy. She seemed to be sketching in rather large sketchbook whenever Hecate wasn't looking. Every time Hecate looked at her, she would transfer it away back into her bag and moved her hands infront of herself as if she was never drawing. Quite suspicious.

Once they had finished, they were back at the front of the school.

Regina was about to transfer away when Hecate decided ask her about the sketch. Regina went from calm to looking alarmed and panicked. "you saw that!?" Hecate let the confused lol cross her face. "yes, is that a problem?" Regina looked at Hecate with nothing but wonder and shock.

"teachers are allowed to draw here?" Hecate grew more confused by the minute. "yes, were you not allowed to at Wormwoods?" Regina's face changed to professionalism in a matter of seconds. "no, never." Hecate was slightly concerned but didn't let it show. "your school rules were really strict." Regina laughed uncomfortably
"yes, they were."

Hecate and Regina stood staring at each other for a few awkward moments. "...your room should be ready by tomorrow. If you want to come in and make changes to it you can just let us know by mirror before you get here so you don't scare us again." Regina smiled and Hecate.

"I will."

The French Teacher (Hecate Hardbroom X OC) (Rewrite) Where stories live. Discover now