Her Second Visit

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That new teacher is strange.

Why does she think that she is always doing something wrong? Hecate could tell she had trauma from that insane asylum of a school. She wasn't surprised with the way they treated students and she was scared to know how they treated staff.

Regina seemed quiet and the way she followed instructions was good quality to have but Hecate was scared to know how she would react to the students. She did always seem to be aware of everything going on around her which would come in handy at a magical school. Aswell as life in general Hecate supposed.

She had spoken to Ada about the new teacher. Ada said she had been living in that hel hole since she was twelve, so she had also been trapped at a school for thirty years. That was a rather suspicious and unusual coincidence.

She told Hecate that she also has one friend who is blonde and likes plants named Angelina. Strange but not exactly unbelievable.

She is known to be strict when needed and has the highest marks the witching World had ever seen. Hecate was honestly starting to like the sound of this woman, even with the growing list of peculiar similarities we had.

Peculiar didn't even begin to describe it.

She was due to arrive soon and Hecate was stood outside of the school's entrance waiting, rather impatiently, for their guest to arrive. Regina had said that she had been at a few different locations this morning running errands for a fellow council member; so she had already been on her broom.

That was why she was flying instead of transferring directly in to the school like a sane witch. Flying in this blistering heat? Who would even dare to try such a foolish thing?

The realisation hit Hecate like a ton of bricks. Magic was off limits at Wormwoods. Anything magical was off limits at Wormwoods. Flying was off limits at Wormwoods.

Did she even know how to fly!?

This question was answered for her when she saw a figure hurtling toward the ground. Correction, hurtling towards her. Before she had any semblance of time to register what was happening the figure had gotten too close.

She could see Regina trying and failing to stop her broom before she had come to a stop too quickly which sent her hurtling off of her broom and into Hecate. They tumbled to the ground in a swirl of greys and blacks as they held onto eachother and tried to not fall on their backsides.

Regina ended up with her arms wrapped around Hecate's shoulders and her head hit itself against Hecate's chest. Hecate had her arms around Regina's torso in a rather tight hug as she sat on her backside with Regina practically in her lap.

Regina jumped away from Hecate's embrace and started apologising prefusly. Regina's words came out in a waterfall instead of coherency. "I am so sorry, Miss Hardbroom. I didn't mean to hit you. The wind was strong and my hat fell on my face so I couldn't see. Please don't be mad at me." Hecate's posture relaxed a little.

"it is fine, I am not hurt." She was acting like a scared first year student. That's when it hit Hecate in the face. Regina never got the chance to grow up. She never got to experience being a proper adult. She was always stuck under the rule of her headmistress.

Regina still has the mentality of her twelve-year-old self.

Where Hecate had to grow up quickly because she was unceremoniously shoved straight into teaching, Wormwoods forced her to never fully grow up as she was more likely to stay there if she thought like a child.

This poor woman. Hecate had found herself hugging Regina while lost in thought, she realised what she was doing after Regina asked a concerning question. "What are you doing?" the pure confusion in her voice brought a tug to Hecate's heart. "hugging you." Hecate was expecting a 'why?' but she didn't get it, instead she got a far more concerning answer. "what's hugging?"

Her heart completely sank.

How sheltered was this woman!? Hecate looked at her with as much of a blank expression as she could manage in this situation. "it's an act of affection." hecate let go and held her shoulders while looking her in the eyes. She looked too innocent to be an adult.

Regina looked at the brunette with nothing but curiosity. "affection?" What do you say to that!? Hecate started to internally panic and externally blush. "it is when you care for someone and you want to show it to them. For example: kissing, hugging or holding hands."

Only one thought went through Hecate's head once se finished speaking. 'Please tell me she knows what kissing is.' "kissing, what's that?" Hecate felt extremely awkward, it felt like she wanted to have the floor swallow her whole.

She swallowed her pride and played with her fingers while trying to not fumble while looking Regina in the eyes. Her voice was shaker than intended. "kissing is when two people press their lips together as a show of affection." Regina held nothing but shock on her face. "That has a name!?" thank the heavens that she knew what it was.

Hecate let out a silent sigh of relief. "yes, it does." Regina turned stone cold in a matter of seconds and the look on her face froze Hecate. "That's not showing affection." She said it so matter of factly that it startled Hecate enough for her stumble out her next words with an almost unnoticeable squeak.

"How do you know?" Regina seemed to have suddenly realised what she had said and attempted to change the subject completely. "Can you show me my room please?" Hecate saw how Regina quite obviously didn't want to bring it up again. "of course, follow me." What had this girl gone through?

They walked through the halls, again with Regina walking behind Hecate and keeping her head down.  Hecate felt a twinge of sadness at the way Regina looked at everything but Hecate. She tried to speak with as calm of a voice as she could.

"Regina, could please walk next to me and keep your head up." She followed the instruction immediately with a look of panic etched upon her face. "sorry." Hecate was again confused at the woman's odd behaviour to being told she had done something wrong.

"why are you sorry? It was a request not a demand." Regina was completely silent. Hecate briefly thought of asking her again, but she knew if she did, she would answer the question and be stuck in a situation she didn't want to be in.

This woman was a people pleaser in every sense of the phrase.

To be utterly honest, Hecate wanted to get to know her and sort of fix her in a way. Well not fix, she was a polite human being, but to help her think more like an adult. Otherwise, she would never get anywhere with students. Stars knows what happened when the childish Julie Hubble tried to teach a class. Pure, unmitigated chaos ended.

Maybe she could get a chance to speak to her before she left and convince her to spend the night here so she could help her. Only if she felt she needed the help, obviously. Hecate didn't want to be harsh to the poor woman. She was the only person she could relate to in this zoo of a school.

Talking to her shouldn't be too hard of an achievement to accomplish, right? 

The French Teacher (Hecate Hardbroom X OC) (Rewrite) Where stories live. Discover now