Play Toy

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That conversation with Miss Hardbroom had brought some not so pleasant memories to Regina's mind.

She was the head mistresses 'play toy' as she liked to call her, Regina couldn't exactly say no to what she wished to call her now could she? She was hers to control and do whatever she sees fit to her which, since they couldn't leave the school, included her doing some sexual things to Regina's body in innapropriate places.

She didn't have even the slightest clue as to what the headmistress's touches meant when she started, due to a lack of sexual education in school and home. However, when she heard one of the girls explaining what sexual relationships were to another younger girl at Wormwoods she realised what was going on and tried to do something about it.

Regina was never given the talk as they preferred that I acted and thought like a child. Once she realised what she was doing Regina tried stopping it but she hurt her in return, so her never tried to stop her again.

She still has the scar on her stomach to this day.

Almost every night she would make Regina do things she didn't want to do to her and she would do things to Regina which made her feel absolutely filthy and like she was nothing more than an object of pleasure. A sex toy if you will.

She would even do humiliating things to Regina infront of the other staff. She still had nightmares about the time that she had to walk down the hall in just her underwear while the staff were forced to point and laugh at the bruises, scars and red marks covering her body.

Regina hated her with everything she had in her living, breathing being.

Then there was Hecate. She was kind and had a soft voice that calmed Regina's mind. She encouraged her and didn't get angry at Regina, no matter how times she expected her to.  Of course there was the fact that she had only just met her but she was quite a sight to see, her beauty was incomparable to any women she had seen before.

Regina had eventually made it to her room. We're those tears running down her cheeks? Oh well, it certainly wouldn't be the first time and she doubted it would be the last either.

It was basic with creme walls and oak furniture. The bedroom and bathroom were fine too. In the main room was a fireplace, sofa, armchairs, bookcase, window seat and desk. The bedroom had a bed, two bedside tables, a wardrobe and a vanity. The only things she had to do were to rearrange the furniture, change it to dark oak, change the colour of the walls and expand the bookshelf.

Once she was done it was the end of the day. Well, it was 5:30 but she considered it to be the end of the day. To be fair to her, she had been emotionally drained all day. She walked to her bedroom door and picked up the cloak, hat and broom that stood beside it.

She walked down the corridors while humming a light French melody to herself. Being alone was calming. Noone to point and laugh, Noone exploiting her and Noone being cruel. Again with the tears. Wipe them away, there is no point in crying about it now. Oh look, the main door is right there.

She was going to leave when out of the corner of her eye she saw a rather nervous Miss Hardbroom stood around the corner watching her with slightly worried eyes.

Regina transferred directly behind her and the taller woman jumped slightly when she turned around and noticed. "are you okay?" The concern in Regina's voice tugged at Hecate. "yes, I was just about to ask you a rather important question." Hecate was losing confidence by the second. "Ask away." the grin given to her by the shorter woman calmed Hecate a fraction.

"Um. I was wondering if... It may be possible that. Uh." She took a deep breath to help steady her rapidly rising heart and breathing.

"I know how at Wormwoods you couldn't make friends with teachers, which lead me to the conclusion that you wouldn't be busy this evening. I was wondering if maybe, if it's not a bother, that you would join me in my Chambers and we could... talk."

Regins took in what she said, of course she was right. She was not busy and she no issue with agreeing to go with the woman. "I have nowhere pressing that requires my immediate presence, why not?" Regina shrugged before continuing. "Could be entertaining." Hecate looked at Regina with nothing but wonder and bewilderment.

"really?" Hecate was aware that she sounded shocked but couldn't find it in herself to care at that exact moment. "yes, is that weird?" Hecate could see how unsure Regina now was of of her decision. "no... well yes. Not many people like me and find me unappealing to talk to." Regina fixed Hecate with a grin that made her heart skip a beat. "As I said it could be entertaining . So, lead the way. My dear."

Hecate started overthinking slightly and started to argue with herself inside her own mind.

'Regina actually agreed! Do not mess this up, Joy. You cannot lose another friend because of your lack of any type of social skills. But she's like you' the rational part of her tried to argue back 'she also has no social skills' another part of her spoke up 'so either this was going to work out or this was going end in disaster.' two very valid conclusions 'Let's find out if this disaster can make it through one evening with another person, shall we?'

Hecate transferred them both directly into her room.

Regina looked around silently and Hecate started to feel a little self conscious. "I am aware that my room is quite plain." Regina turned to her with a smile. "no, I'm just amazed at the fact that it looks almost exactly like my room at the council house." That was a new term for Hecate.

"council house?" Regina's eyes softened as she started explaining. "it is a place for council members to stay when they are travelling or their house has issues and they need a place to stay last minute." Hecate looked at her with slight curiosity. "You have a room there." Regina nonchalantly shrugged before looking at the many titles in Hecate's shelves.

"every council member does, I have just been staying in mine for the past three weeks." Hecate's expression and voice softened as she studied Regina's words carefully. "you really do have nowhere to go." Regina hummed in response as if was a normal thing for someone to say. She was practically homeless for Merlin's sake.

Rather suddenly Ada transferred into the room unannounced. Unusual behaviour for Ada.

Regina jumped back in surprise; she still wasn't used to people suddenly appearing in front of her.

"Hello, Hecate." Ada turned around and spotted Regina. "oh, Regina! I didn't realise you were still here." Hecate held slight annoyance in her tone while she spoke. "yes Ada, Regina will be staying a while longer tonight." ada clapped her hands together infront of her while smiling brightly at Regina.

"oh! That is wonderful news!" Regina looked at Ada with a look of slight confusion. Ada just smiled at the younger woman. "In that case, Regina. Would you care to join us for dinner down in the kitchen? Hecate isce cooking tonight~"

Regina and Hecate both smiled at the slight lilt at the end of Ada's sentence. Regina turned to the woman with kindness written all over her face. "that sounds lovely, Ada." Ada's grin widened as she looked at Regina with pure joy. "you called me by my first name!" Regina smiled and bowed her head slightly. "I've only met you recently so it's easier." Ada left without another word.

This whole dinner sounded like a not so bad idea to Regina.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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