i just need some time

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Error pov

I woke up and saw inks family starring at me. I remember what happened and I get up and speed walk to the door. "Where are you going Error?" Ink asked. "OuT." I glitch, "but why error? You don't have to be ashamed." Ink beckoned. I guess he didn't want me to leave. "I jUst nEeD TimE" I say opening the door. "For what?" Ink asked sounding a little annoyed. "To ThiNk!!!" I yell then slam the door shut. The last look I saw on inks face looked frightened and nervous. Did I do that? I didn't mean to hurt him. I don't mean to hurt anyone. "UgH..... YOu fv¢k!π9 miStAke....." I grumble to myself. I sit down on a park bench and put my skull down resting my hands on it. I then began to think.......

I didn't mean to hurt him.

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