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Maybe it was a bad idea.

After mulling over the thought for a few days, he decided to try it.

His friends were nothing close to "normal," but he figured that they would at least see something he didn't.

Because he was even farther from normal.

And besides, asking a lot of different people should be efficient, right? That way, he could compare and contrast all the different answers, right?


Even if it doesn't work out, I can ask Satou.

Best to avoid it, since it might be seen as "weird."

And that was the last thing he wanted.


'What does it mean to be normal?'

"A dark warrior such as I wouldn't concern myself with things considered 'normal', as it might hold me back during battle! What you call 'normal' is a petty standard for people who don't have incredible potential to stop Dark Reunion! If we fall prey to the ideals of..."

This was a bad idea. As if Kaidou would know what "normal" meant.

"Hey, Saiki? Where are you going?"

To find someone competent. But he wasn't going to say that to his face.


'What does it mean to be normal?'

"Normal? Why would anyone want to be normal? You should always strive to do your best! You can't let the limits society has placed on you hold you back!"

Of course, Hairo went off on one of his motivational sermons. Saiki thought Hairo might be better at answering the question, since he was relatively "normal", but of course, he was wrong.

"Saiki? Why are you leaving? Always remember to push past your limiiiiiiiiiits!"


'What does it mean to be normal?'

"Normal? Huh, I guess I never really thought about that. Sorry pal, I don't think I can help you with that. I'm not exactly 'normal' myself, hehe. Thanks for asking."

At least Kuboyasu was self aware.

He was stupid and he knew it. A good time saver.


'What does it mean to be normal?'

"Why do you want to be normal? That's so boring. No chicks are gonna be chasing after you if you're some boring guy. The ladies want some spice, and hey! Stop that! Put that chair back! I'm sorry Saiki-saaaan!"

Stupid Toritsuka. Of course Saiki wouldn't actually hit him with the chair. He wouldn't damage school property.

"Waaahhhh, you're so mean! I was only trying to help!"

'You were not.'

"Hey, are you just leaving the chair in the middle of the room like that?"

"Hey! Toritsuka! Don't play with the chairs!"

"Mr. Matsuzaki!"


'What does it mean to be normal?'

"Ah, so you want to be normal? But like, why? You want to be like Normal-kun AKA Boring-kun? What does it matter, it's no fun being normal."

Asking a girl should've worked better. But maybe this was the wrong girl, Mrs. Abnormal.

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