“ emi. ”, a stern voice cut me out of my thoughts, and i look at her through my bangs.
i know what she was going to say.
“ make sure to keep your grades up, always the highest the lowest or even the middle is not an exception. any distractions are unforgivable. ”
i want to yell at her, and say that i was human, not a robot that could come with every complete and correct formula of every problem possible in the world.
all i could do was listen and agree.
“ yes mother. ”, i say quietly, and father puts his large hand on my shoulder.
“ have a good day at school. ”, he tells me with care, and i nod, shrugging my bag on my back and starting to walk down the sidewalk, remembering that i was going to the school that was across the street from that bakery.
i walk with my head facing toward the ground, and my shoes slapping against the sidewalk.
on the way, hyun greeted me from his steps and put his arm around my shoulder.
“ hey, i'm sorry i can't go to school with you, mom and dad want me to stay and do homeschool, which i am not complaining about one bit. they think i'm doing homeschool, but i'm actually chilling in bed until they come home, and when i hear them start to walk up the stairs, i rush my work and y'know, i'm done. ”, he says, nonchalant and i look down at his pj's, which had the egg character called gudetama printed all over them.
i sigh and he gives me a tight squeeze, knowing i needed it.
“ have a good day at public school. ”, he says pitifully, and i just push him, making him stumble.
“ JOKES ON YOU, I DON'T HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 6AM JUST TO LEARN A BUNCH OF GARBAGE! ”, he yells in offense, and i didn't reply.
he was right, he didn't have to wake up at 6 am, but he did just to greet me.
i smile at his antics and roll my eyes.
i decided to stop at the same bakery and purchase another chocolate croissant like i promised, and a lady similar looking to that girl from before smiles and greeted me.
“ ah, good morning. ”, i greet and point to the croissant.
“ could i have one of these chocolate croissants? i fell in love with them... ”, i say in embarrassment.
“oh, don't worry! my husband tried them hot from the oven and almost ate all of them! i had to get them away before we sold out before letting them cool off. are you heading to school? ”, she asked me and i nod tiredly.
“ unfortunately... why does school start so early? ”, i mumble and rub my eyes, making her let out a laugh.
“ i'm sure my daughter thinks the same way, that's most likely why she's always sleeping in! i should wake her up soon, too. ”, she says, looking a bit worried, but she quickly grabbed the croissant with a pair of tongs, and placed the croissant in a paper bag, making me fish a couple of euros out of my pocket, giving it to her.
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