3 | house of horrors

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June-August, nineteen-seventy two

"WHERE WERE YOU?" Perenelle asked, her duvet now bunched at her knees as she moved to confront the girl sneaking into the dormitory so late into the evening.

"Nowhere" Vaudeline said, crossing the dormitory in haste, the look on her face challenging Perenelle to question her further.

Perenelle didn't say anything, pursing her lips as she watched her sister get into her own bed, facing the opposite way as to unofficially end the conversation.

She didn't know what to do— she wasn't going to press Vaudeline further, as it would get her nowhere, but Perenelle would simply burst if she had to keep pretending that she hadn't noticed her sister sneaking around all year.

She spared another glance towards her now sleeping sisters direction, before pulling a small book out from under her pillow.

Magical Malady's and their Marvellous Adventures, A collection of Works by Felicity Spunkett

Perenelle smiled as she ran her finger over the dated cover, before slipping under her covers where she could use her wand as a light in peace, losing herself and her dilemma in the pages in the process, they went home tomorrow after all—surely whatever was bothering Vaudeline wouldn't matter after they left the castle.

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"And you promise you'll write?" Pera asked, crushing Marceline in a tight hug before moving to let her sister do the same,

"Of course you will!" Vaudeline practically scolded, and Marcie smiled at the twins,

"It's not like I'll have anything else to do— my father will be in Moscow half the holidays on business, I doubt I'll even leave the house until the Carrow's summer gala"

"Oh— the gala! How could I forget! Oh Merlin it's going to be magni—"

Perenelle was cut off as Mrs. Avery had appeared to whisk Marceline off, hurried goodbyes between them as the twins were left waiting for their sisters on the platform, though they were not left to their lonesome long.

"Still waiting?"

Damien Mulciber had appeared in front of the two of them, an antsy Antonin Dolohov in tow, and the two girls both nodded.

"Cissa went off to say goodbye to her mates, but Salazar knows where Dromeda's ran off to" Perenelle frowned, craning her head to scan the crowded platform.

"Severus leave already?" Vaud asked, noticing the brooding boys absence,

Antonin grunted in response, "Ran off with his filthy mudblood a few minutes ago"

Perenelle knew who he was referring to— the red headed gryffindor girl, Lily, and though she winced at his choice of words in such a public place she made no move to correct him.

She wasn't particularly close to Severus— none of them were, though he tended to cling to Damien and Antonin like a small child, making his often presence hard to shake.

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